Ok, it might still be for nerds but that's only you need to take into consideration their choice of movies/television. If eagerly awaiting the G.I. Joe movie or enjoying a few sparkling vampires here and there is nerdy, I don't want to be cool.
If anything, it's not just for comic book fans anymore as more and more movies are based on comic books and children's toys.
My point is Comic-Con = the epitome of coolness. My sister goes every year and she's...well...she's an orc and has a slight addiction to World of Warcraft and her husband actually owns a light saber and Stormtrooper costume. Ok, bad example but I promise, it's cool!
Let me count the ways that Comicon is cool this year:
G.I. Joe - Remember these toys?!? My brothers had 2 girl G.I. Joes - Lady Jayne and Baroness (Cobra). They let me play but only THESE 2 CHARACTERS. In no way, shape or form would my Barbie dolls suffice as female soldiers or I would be excommunicated from the room.
But, I digress...I cannot, CANNOT wait for this movie...if even just for nostalgia reasons. Plus...I'd totally let Channing Tatum destroy me. ;)
New Moon - Ok so no one reading Morphine Nation is going to think New Moon is cool but ... there are bad parents out there letting their 14 year old daughters post on Reddit so...this is for you girls!
Sparkly jealous vampires and manic depressive shapeshifters vying the attention of a klutzy clueless nobody. Sounds like my kind of movie.
Futurama - ZOMG! It's back!!! It's back!!! Ok, so the new episodes won't air til
mid-next year but...SQUEEL! It's back!
Check out the
Futurama/Simpsons/24 panel at Comic-con!
Alice in Wonderland - Yes, you read it right. Tim Burton's version of Alice in Wonderland includes....*drumroll*.... JOHNNY DEPP! That pirate that we all adore puts on a top hat and renews the roll of the Mad Hatter in true Depp style.
Toy Story 3 - "Son of a building block! It's Woody!" My favorite Pixar movie of all time was Toy Story, then they made a sequel. And....IT DIDN'T SUCK! It was, quite possibly, BETTER!
Now Pixar has again joined forces with Disney to create Toy Story 3!!! In 3D!!!
To infinity! And beyond!
The Vampire Diaries - Another vampire series? Do we really need it? Well, vampires ARE hot right now so I guess...YES! The premiere of VD is in September and I'm fairly certain I'll be glued to the TV that night.
I know I'm not 14 but...I do enjoy a good vampire show. And better yet, THEY DON'T FUCKING SPARKLE!
Dollhouse - I've probably only watched an episode or 2 of this show but for those of you who adored Elisha Dushku on
Buffy or
Angel, you can get your fix Friday nights this fall here.
Oh yeah, I think all those other people are in it too...

This isn't to say that any or all of these actors will actually make appearances AT Comic-Con but, chances are you'll have sightings of celebrities that aren't scheduled to show. I have good information that notes 'CRAZIER THINGS HAVE HAPPENED!'
My point? If you like stuff...GO! Have fun!
Bring me pics!
That would be a lot of fun. Darn, we're not cool enough, or dorky enough, to have such events. I might actually watch VD, ok, can't take the acronym seriously, but I do like Eliza she was also in Tru Calling which was an awesome show. But like Firefly it was canceled, fucking fox. BTW, didn't know you liked Futurama too.
Again...you can blame my brother for the Futurama thing. It was somewhat of an addiction when I first moved to WA.
Oh yeah Fox...Fuck them! Their mission statement 'If you like it, we'll cancel it! Count on us!'
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