SeaTac Airport Rant by Liverfire
I don’t know if any one else gets called retarded every now and then, but I’m pretty sure I’ve been called that more than once. The most recent, and of course, now the most prominent was the last time I had to endure SeaTac. Landing in Seattle upon arrival should have been my first clue that I should have brought Graphite (my seeing-eye dog). I was supposed to wait on the plane for the flight attendant to come get me, but I didn’t and just headed to the back. The attendant that was supposed to come help me rushed from the front and found out that all she had to do was point to the exit for me. She was actually very nice and not condescending.
I made it down the stairs of the plane, probably to their amazement ("their" meaning the flight attendants and the helper waiting for me at the bottom.) And there also at the bottom was a wheelchair. For a split second I thought maybe we were waiting for someone else. But my heart sank a little when I remembered I was the last one on the frickin' plane. Just a reminder, I walked down the stairs on my own two (very functional) legs. Yet, the helper still asked if I needed the wheelchair (sigh) I just said “no, I can just walk with you” She was nice but seemed a little irritated, maybe she thought I was too lazy to find my own damn way out of the airport or maybe she did think I was retarded.
After my fun filled-trip in Seattle I had the most frustrating time I’ve ever had in an airport. SF walked me to the gate (well we thought it would be my gate). I talked to the foreign chick (I’m not a racist but she kind of made me think twice about ummm, foreigners) and I told her I would need assistance getting to the plane, in hindsight I should have said that I needed a sighted guide. She said ok and someone would come get me when the plane was getting ready to board. I thought 'ok, I’ll sit here and try to look insignificant for a while'.
I overheard that the gates in my section were getting changed one after the other I just knew mime was coming up too. Sure enough mine was switched. Only eight gates down and I probably would have found it just fine but I went up to the desk anyway. There was another guy asking about the switch and right there I should have kept my mouth shut and just subtly followed him to the gate. But a bit of panic took over and I told her I needed assistance. So she looks over at a couple of workers and said and I quote “This girl is retarded or something can you bring her to her gate?” It took me a moment to figure out what she said, due to the thick accent.
When it finally processed what she said I almost slammed my hand on the desk and screamed at her. Instead, being the whimp that I am, I said “I’m not retarded just vision-impaired, that’s all.” And btw there was an older couple standing right there looking at me knowing what was going on and which gate I was going to but they said nothing. So this girl came over, told me to follow her and I, again, reiterated that I was just vision-impaired. She didn’t reply. She had me get on a shuttle, another worker (a guy) also got on. He heard the whole thing too and acted all cheerful and shit and annoyingly asking me how my day was and where I was going. Me, close to tears, responded with one word answers. They stopped at my gate said something and I got off without a word. Big surprise-the same guy I could have followed was standing there, he didn’t say anything to me...fucking idiot.
As I stood there that older couple that witnessed the humiliation came wandering over. Again not saying a word. This girl that had not witnessed the BS came up and asked to use my phone...yay! I felt normal again.
That lasted about a minute until the gal at the podium called me. She told me that someone would help me, again I had to explain I didn’t need a wheelchair or an elevator just a sighted guide. At that point I wished I would have told her I didn’t need any help and went back to talk to the girl that used my phone. Then the stupid ass pilots needed to rest or something so I had to just stand there like a moron for ten minutes. They announced that any passengers that had kids or needed assistance can board. I went up there and she said someone was coming for me. The dumb bitch proceeds to allow all passengers on. I had to back out of the way of the crowd. The person who came to help was looking for me. I was behind the crowd and I had to make my way through and announce that I was the one they were looking for. At this point I was about ready to kill myself. I followed the gal down the two flights of stairs and noticed that I could probably have done this all on my own. I am used to those jet ways they have that you have to walk a long distance with multiple doors to choose from. The plane was pretty much right out the door. So I asked the girl helping me how many rows there were and said I needed the back doorway. I went up the stairs by myself, much to her mild surprise, I’m sure. Found my seat next to some guy and I tried for a while not to cry. My spirits were lifted when they said there was beer.
I try not to think “oh why, oh why me” but it’s hard when shit like this happens. I have had flight attendants that were crabby outright and others that were indifferent and even the airport workers were usually pretty nice. Though one time a guy drove me in one of those shuttles up to this big area that had a bunch of gates and pointed in the general direction of my gate. I nearly missed the flight cuz I wasn’t sure which door to go to. And all I do before I have to fly anywhere is stress about finding where I need to go. I know no one else even thinks about it twice when they fly. It’s not a big deal...you just follow the signs, and if you can’t see the signs? Well fuck you, your screwed. That’s when I get the "why me" syndrome and wonder why I even bother with the traveling by myself anyway. It gets tiresome dealing with the idiots that have never dealt with a blind person before. I wonder what happens when they have to deal with a real retarded person.
Let's welcome Liverfire!!!
Well, recently a longtime friend of mine expressed interest in trying her hand at writing so I offered to let her post here from time to time so let's all welcome Liverfire! (this is where you clap and yell)...
Here's her introduction:
I grew up on a dairy farm in ND (insert jokes here) and had a normal childhood. At some point, we found that I was having vision problems that only became worse as I got older. It took a few years for the doctors to figure out what I had. It has a German name but it is considered the juvenile form of Macular Degeneration. My vision became worse until it plateaued sometime in my adolescence.Well this is where Liverfire's story begins...Any stories from her will be noted in the headline. Enjoy!
Since my official diagnosis at age ten, I proceeded to spend the next fifteen years or so pretending that I was “normal” like everyone else. 'Pretending' as in someone saying “did you see that?” and me replying "yes". That happened a lot. I actually didn’t get myself in to too many bad situations. I never fell off any cliffs or got run over, stuff like that. I became really good at guessing what things I couldn’t see looked like or making myself have a good memory so I could do better on tests… I can delve in to that kind of stuff later.
It took me a few years after high school to figure out what I wanted to do with my “life”. But when I finally did, with much kicking and screaming, I became a Practitioner of Chinese Medical Massage. I met my current boyfriend and we moved in together. I had lived in the country my whole life and always did fine walking around. But after living in town I realized something was missing. I had a couple of scares with cars and their crazy drivers. I met a, now great friend, wonderful person who was using a guide dog. She explained the whole process to me and I just knew I had to get one. So in a very short amount of time I received my guide, Graphite.
More stories of him to come in the near future.
It's shitty fashion week!
Remember bell bottoms in the 70's? Then you'll remember how the trend came back sometime in the early 2000's?
Or baby doll dresses from the 60's that made a comeback in the 90's? Or cat's eye glasses from the 50's that are actually retro right now?!
Now I know this site doesn't necessarily cater to females, but I am a female and am hoping that this post will help other females from making some serious mistakes I've noticed in the fashion world (for this season, at least). Plus, I'm fairly sick of the lack of options in the mall right now...so anything I can do to deter the shitty buying behavior that people with no taste get suckered into, will make me feel better. Now don't get me wrong, I'm definitely NOT a fashionista but since I have a forum to vent, you all get to hear my rant so here goes...
I've decided to stick with the fashion trends that are hot right now or what is being marketed as hot for the next season (fall). I've picked the crappiest (in my opinion) of what's out there.
Skinny jeans.
There is no way in fucking hell that this trend is cool. Even the punk kids and skaters that made these popular again look like douchebags in training. They are jeans that are taper into a pencil cut at the ankles...so, what? You can see my socks better? I guess for guys with a larger than normal 'package', this could work out in their favor....
I think this trend gives people the idea that they can actually wear them...which is false. Not everyone can wear these jeans...no matter how 'in' they are. First...men shouldn't wear them. Second, overweight people shouldn't (and usually can't) wear them. People who weigh over 93 pounds shouldn't wear them. Short people shouldn't wear them (because they're too long usually). Anyone who wants to be taken seriously shouldn't wear them. Anyone who isn't in between 15 and 17 years old and isn't a Jonas brother shouldn't wear them. The Jonas brothers shouldn't wear them. Does that help?
Oversized glasses.
There's been a post in the forums for quite some time about this and I'll admit, I agree with all the comments. There is no reason for glasses this big. Unless, of course, you're trying to cover the fact that your nose is comparable to Barbara Streisand's or hiding your resemblances to the Hiltons.
Ed Hardy...anything.
I just don't get the fashion craze this designer has formed. His designs make my head ache...there is way too much going on that I feel like I have vertigo just walking by the rack. If I wanted to look like trailer trash, I could find something in my sisters closet instead of paying the exorbitant prices that are plastered on this crap.
So I ask you this...if I ever buy anything Ed Hardy, please buy me a 6 pack of PBR and some crystal meth, tune the TV in to Nascar, give me a broken lawn chair, a box of bleach hair dye and write me off.
Gladiator Sandals.
Ok, even I'll admit that some variations of these CAN be cute BUT they are few and far between...I promise you this. They were cool in the movies Sparta and 300, otherwise I haven't seen a pair in real life that meets my standards and I don't have standards. Enough said.
Laddered stockings.
It's true...this is actually a fashion on the upswing to trendiness. To explain it: you basically just take a good pair of tights or nylons (which cost anywhere from 5-50 dollars) and...rip them so they are particularly worthless.
So, I already gave you the talk about how to treat me given that I buy anything Ed Hardy now...let's move on to if I decide I'd like to dress like a homeless person...with a car...and a job...and a home. How can something that makes you look like you had rough sex in an alley with the likes of Billy Thornton against a dumpster, be trendy? I'd like to help the fashion world by repealing the attractiveness of this fashion statement. DON'T DO IT!
This is almost as bad as neon...no wait...it's worse. The point of hypercolor is that heat changes the color of the fabric. Sounds pretty cool right? Think about it this way...what happens under your arms during the day? What if you're wearing a pair of shorts or tights that are hypercolor? Yeah, I'd love to advertise that I'm sweaty or (dare I say) 'hot' in certain places. Talk about awkward. This trend needs to stay in the 90's on Beverly Hills 90210 where it belongs...although it was a fleeting movement then also.
Bring back jelly shoes instead-at least kids looked cute in those. Crocs are for people who don't have any sense of fashion...therefore the term 'fashion trend' when it comes to Crocs is misleading.
Just don't. That's all.
The next time you shop, remember my advice. And if you still can't figure out what to do, I do make house/store calls. I really don't mind telling you that you look like an asshat, fucktard or poser...let me know if I can help. Until then, I'll be at the nearest vintage/consignment store looking for 'real' fashion.
And don't forget to miss fashion week in New York, September 10-17th!
The scarlet letter of first dates...
You know how first dates usually go: The awkward silences after you admit that you blog. The vapid looks you give after he tells you he lives in his parents basement. The emotional roller-coaster when he walks away because even if he wasn't exactly what you wanted...what if, just what if...he's great in the sack?
Wouldn't it just be great if society didn't judge you based on your rampant promiscuous tendencies but rather on the quality of your performance? But, that's probably a different blog...I digress...
Today I'll finger the first date fuck. You know you've all done it and if you haven't, you're forgetting someone. If I've done it, you have. Ok...bad example, I've probably done a lot of things you haven't...
So, my point is...who's to say that getting down after a first date is a bad thing? What's the point of spending all that time getting to know someone if you can't test drive them first to see if maybe they are someone you might want to introduce your friends to, or at least, let sweat all over you again?
And why should we have to think about it so much? I agree that my train of thought is a bit progressive and liberal (albeit maybe jaded too) than that of my conservative counterparts but why do we put so much stock into what's going to happen next in relationships?
I'd rather just live and let live. Diddling skittles with a guy on the first date doesn't necessarily mark you for life as a harlot. There is something to be said for the vibes you are getting from the other party that play a huge role in what your intentions become. Why should you be able to enjoy each others company in all aspects of conversation and the fun factor of being with someone just as long as it stops at the bedroom?
I'll admit that I haven't said 'yes' to every guy who's tried to bed me after the first date but I have...on occasion. You probably wouldn't blame me if I told you the circumstances either. There's something to be said for the right wine, the perfect conversation, the way he touches your hand across the table, how many times he stops talking because (he says) he had to catch his breath at the sight of you, the way he pulls you close to his hard body and whispers in your ear as he kisses you on the pier overlooking the sound at sunset.
Yeah, it's happened a few times...wow...calm down Seattle...
Ok...back to business after a short break...
(Insert Jeopardy theme here...)
Having sex on the first date doesn't necessarily rule out a potential future relationship with a person. In my advice, it just makes things a lot less difficult-you got the main stress factor out of the way, right? Smooth sailing from there.
I should warn though that communication is very, very important. By no means should you lead the other party to believe something that isn't true. For example, don't play like you intend to have a relationship with the person if you're not or play like you don't want one if you actually do. Make sense?
I've found that as long as I'm true to my intentions, things are usually very clear for both parties involved.
Failure to communicate is the biggest issue when it comes to relationships for as far back as there is human history...why would it be any different for fucking on the first date?
I've heard that this messes with the 'chase' that people are so enamored with but, if this is the case, shouldn't we also be a little worried about the 'wasting of our time' aspect of things. Personally, I've had a 'connection' with people that ended at the bedroom door because there was nothing there to keep me coming back for more. It's sad but it does happen. It's better even yet when you've found that person and figured out on the first date that he/she is everything you were hoping for!
With all this said, if it is meant to be, it's meant to be. Go into dating with no expectations so that you'll be pleasantly surprised or, at least, not disappointed...this goes for sex too, I've learned.
My disclaimer: don't make this a run of the mill thing you do...if so, you deserve the slut tag you will be pinned with. Come on...you know what feels like the right connection. And you know when you just need sex because you're a whore in training...figure it out.
So the next time you feel the bond with someone on a first date, take my ever-experienced advice and let all your worries go. You are a new age woman/man-you deserve this!
'Glam'-ping-how chicks camp!
Back from the tangent. Girlfriends + Seattle = Camping. Yeah, doesn't make any sense yet but read on...
A few weeks ago, 6 of my girlfriends and I went camping. Having reserved our campsite in February at Deception Pass on Whidbey Island, WA, we were excited to get back to nature...which, in girl terms, means limited water supply and the possibility of being eaten by huge bugs or worse...Big Foot.
Guys will say that it isn't camping unless you have to hike in with everything on your back, fight bears for your dinner and pee outside. A friend of mine mentioned that car camping is more like pretending to be homeless for a few nights, not camping.
I'll just say this-I'm not THAT into camping. If I can't drive to within 4 feet of my reserved spot (preferably near a plumbed bathroom), I want nothing to do with it. Isn't it bad enough that I'm not going to shower for 2 days?
Since we're all from Seattle and Washington is known for it's plethora of wineries, we're all a little 'into' wine...not that you can tell from our selection below though. We figured that the leftover shit beer (anything ending in the word 'Light') from the 4th of July party would go first, then we'd follow up with wine so, by that point, it wouldn't matter. Plus, it's camping. Never fear though, there was Corona AND lime!
And just so you know...this pic is missing several bottles of wine-we tried to keep most of the white wine cold plus the cheap beer (not that it mattered, it tasted like shit anyway).
Two of my friends and I actually arrived a little late (fucking Seattle traffic) but this was a good thing...we didn't have to set up tents!
I'll go off on another tangent here so that you all understand something-my gf's have a 'quote book'...this is usually just a piece of paper that we write noteworthy sayings in that we usually vomit out while drinking then publish them later in the actual book that's floating around. I'll be using a few of the really good ones here. And just remember...things are funnier when you're drunk so...I guess I should have warned you to get sloshed prior to reading today's post!
"We need lots of wood. Do you need some wood? We're wood magnets."
The first night we ate ropa vieja (none of that shitty camping food for us Seattle women) and drank red wine thus coining the term 'glam'ping (glam camping for those of you without imaginations).
Washing the dishes after cooking is always the worst at least until SC quoted, "Naked shower time with the dishes! Time to do the dishes...everyone get naked!"
Sorry...no links to said 'dishes time' videos. ;)
"Looks like somebody just jizzed on my leg."
Saturday started out like any Saturday after drinking and campfires....slowly with mimosas.
We had tons of chips, beer, wine, cookies but...no 'real' food-we forgot the eggs for breakfast...we had priorities.
Saturday we ended up spending most of the day at the beach near DP campground and got sunburnt. I would have included a pic of mine but...I forgot to take it and now it's peeling so...NOT attractive.
"Any flat, white substance is pretty good." - in talking about crepes, lefse and pancakes. ;)
Washington has GREAT beaches! Forget San Diego and Florida! This is the 'real' stuff!
Have you ever noticed how campground toilets are sooo much higher than regular toilets?
If I'm swinging my feet, it's too high. Where the fuck do they get their stats on how high to set them? Isn't the average female like 5'5"? I'm almost 5'7" so it was pretty lame that I couldn't touch the ground.
Average toilet:
Campground toilet: Add 4 inches.
So...what do you do when there's a lag time between the beach and cooking dinner? Drinking games, of course.
Well honestly it didn't start out that way. It started out as a hike. I'll be the first to admit that the premeditated red keg cups filled with wine were the first indicator that this hike was NOT going to be the normal 'let's get some exercise, see nature, get our heart rate up' kind of thing...although 2 of our girls actually set out ahead of us to do just that.
This is the note they came back to:
After a few paces realizing that we couldn't walk and drink at the same time without spilling on ourselves, we decided that if anyone needed to take a drink, we'd all stop and drink at the same time.
Then after a while of watching cars go by and having to clear off the road (not actually having left the campground) we decided to drink when cars went by...then it escalated into drinking when we saw a green tent, then a dog, then a child with no bike helmet...needless to say, we were a bit trashed after the first lap of the campground. So...what do we do? We lap again! Of course!
"Let me put it between my legs and twist it."
By the end of the night we were all 'A.D. fucking Drunk'. We did real camp food (sausages and hamburgers) and crashed in our respective tents.
The next morning we realized we had about 1 magnum and about 2 bottles wine left and a mix of various cheap beer...but that was all! And best yet? No hangovers!
Are we pros or what?
So you might be saying to yourself 'When's the next trip? I'm in!'
September, of course. And better yet...it's Co-Ed! Bring your friends.... ;)
Now you all know that all my girlfriends are just as fucked as I am...doesn't this make you want to camp with us?
"China Wok in Burlington screams food poisoning to me."
Pics by SC, LJ and SF.
Today I realized that I'm a whore...
...and not the kind that gets paid for her 'services' either.
But what makes me feel better is that YOU are too! I ran across a study recently (a study actually released in 2007) that notes the average number of sexual partners a man has is 7 and the average number for women is 4.
You can imagine my surprise when I realized that my number is actually more than 4 x's that amount! And I don't live in New York where the median number is still only 9!
The moment of truth: I've had a few one night stands-one of which I had twice! I met a guy at a bar (ugh), went home with him and never called him. Four months later at the same bar we replayed the first night over again with me, knowing full well, that he didn't recognize me.
I slept with a guy who was a virgin and only remembered his name last winter when my sister and I were talking about old friends...he was her friend and she doesn't know I had sex with him. I was only 19 though and he was only my 2nd partner (I didn't start having sex til I was out of high school, at least).
I'm really not sure how it would go over if I told her-I assume it would be fine since she's married now with multiple kids and they were only friends anyway but...for now, I'll just keep this info to myself.
I've had many 'relationships' (be it a friend with benefits situation or actual boyfriend). And by many, I mean...MANY. Dating is a part of life-with every relationship you're supposed to learn something about yourself or about people. I've realized recently that these relationships have helped me gain an understanding about men that people, like my youngest sister-who will soon marry the only person she's ever been with-will never be able to comprehend.
While I envy the fact that she was able to find and marry the 'one' the first time out, I also wonder if I'd wonder 'what if'?
What if I missed out on opportunities sexually?
What if there is someone else out there that is just that much more 'in tune' with me?
What if my vision of 'romance' can be topped?
With all that said, I know for sure that I haven't missed out-which makes me understand that I could be ready for a stable relationship if one should catch my eye.'
But I digress...
I do have a list but not because I need to remember their names but because notches on my bedpost (of which actually has been the same since I started having sex) seemed a big callous. Although, I'll also admit that I have a 'name' or two on the list that include 'guy from fall 2007', 'bar guy' and, until recently, 'the virgin'.
I guess I take solace in the fact that "women with higher numbers tend to be more educated, have more liberal views and higher self-esteem."
But doesn't that sound just about opposite of what we've always been led to believe? If you sleep with too many people, don't you devalue sex in a way? Isn't sex supposed to be special?
Yes, yes it is! But sometimes, just sometimes...it's a means to an end. Please don't patronize me by saying 'I never just have sex because I'm horny. It's always special and loving and sensitive' because I know you're not being honest.
Once in a while, it's just sex. I'm not saying it should be unfeeling, just that sometimes-it's filling a need for the moment.
I'm also not saying that 'just sex' is the way you should always have sex. Everyone knows that the best sex is with someone you truly have feelings for...if you haven't, you are missing out-I PROMISE!
I know for a fact that I have a higher than normal sex drive-it's even been an 'issue' in a few relationships.
Yes, it is possible for a woman to want more sex than a guy can provide. I have a friend whom I think might be just as exuberant as me but maybe she's not as willing to be as daring.
The point? Go forward and have sex! Don't let your numbers worry you or lack of numbers keep you from being with the one that makes you happy. It's all relative, right?