Back from the tangent. Girlfriends + Seattle = Camping. Yeah, doesn't make any sense yet but read on...
A few weeks ago, 6 of my girlfriends and I went camping. Having reserved our campsite in February at Deception Pass on Whidbey Island, WA, we were excited to get back to nature...which, in girl terms, means limited water supply and the possibility of being eaten by huge bugs or worse...Big Foot.
Guys will say that it isn't camping unless you have to hike in with everything on your back, fight bears for your dinner and pee outside. A friend of mine mentioned that car camping is more like pretending to be homeless for a few nights, not camping.
I'll just say this-I'm not THAT into camping. If I can't drive to within 4 feet of my reserved spot (preferably near a plumbed bathroom), I want nothing to do with it. Isn't it bad enough that I'm not going to shower for 2 days?

Since we're all from Seattle and Washington is known for it's plethora of wineries, we're all a little 'into' wine...not that you can tell from our selection below though. We figured that the leftover shit beer (anything ending in the word 'Light') from the 4th of July party would go first, then we'd follow up with wine so, by that point, it wouldn't matter. Plus, it's camping. Never fear though, there was Corona AND lime!
And just so you know...this pic is missing several bottles of wine-we tried to keep most of the white wine cold plus the cheap beer (not that it mattered, it tasted like shit anyway).

Two of my friends and I actually arrived a little late (fucking Seattle traffic) but this was a good thing...we didn't have to set up tents!
I'll go off on another tangent here so that you all understand something-my gf's have a 'quote book'...this is usually just a piece of paper that we write noteworthy sayings in that we usually vomit out while drinking then publish them later in the actual book that's floating around. I'll be using a few of the really good ones here. And just remember...things are funnier when you're drunk so...I guess I should have warned you to get sloshed prior to reading today's post!
"We need lots of wood. Do you need some wood? We're wood magnets."

The first night we ate ropa vieja (none of that shitty camping food for us Seattle women) and drank red wine thus coining the term 'glam'ping (glam camping for those of you without imaginations).
Washing the dishes after cooking is always the worst at least until SC quoted, "Naked shower time with the dishes! Time to do the dishes...everyone get naked!" links to said 'dishes time' videos. ;)
"Looks like somebody just jizzed on my leg."

Saturday started out like any Saturday after drinking and campfires....slowly with mimosas.
We had tons of chips, beer, wine, cookies 'real' food-we forgot the eggs for breakfast...we had priorities.
Saturday we ended up spending most of the day at the beach near DP campground and got sunburnt. I would have included a pic of mine but...I forgot to take it and now it's peeling so...NOT attractive.
"Any flat, white substance is pretty good." - in talking about crepes, lefse and pancakes. ;)

Washington has GREAT beaches! Forget San Diego and Florida! This is the 'real' stuff!
Have you ever noticed how campground toilets are sooo much higher than regular toilets?
If I'm swinging my feet, it's too high. Where the fuck do they get their stats on how high to set them? Isn't the average female like 5'5"? I'm almost 5'7" so it was pretty lame that I couldn't touch the ground.
Average toilet:

Campground toilet: Add 4 inches.
So...what do you do when there's a lag time between the beach and cooking dinner? Drinking games, of course.
Well honestly it didn't start out that way. It started out as a hike. I'll be the first to admit that the premeditated red keg cups filled with wine were the first indicator that this hike was NOT going to be the normal 'let's get some exercise, see nature, get our heart rate up' kind of thing...although 2 of our girls actually set out ahead of us to do just that.
This is the note they came back to:

After a few paces realizing that we couldn't walk and drink at the same time without spilling on ourselves, we decided that if anyone needed to take a drink, we'd all stop and drink at the same time.
Then after a while of watching cars go by and having to clear off the road (not actually having left the campground) we decided to drink when cars went by...then it escalated into drinking when we saw a green tent, then a dog, then a child with no bike helmet...needless to say, we were a bit trashed after the first lap of the campground. So...what do we do? We lap again! Of course!
"Let me put it between my legs and twist it."

By the end of the night we were all 'A.D. fucking Drunk'. We did real camp food (sausages and hamburgers) and crashed in our respective tents.
The next morning we realized we had about 1 magnum and about 2 bottles wine left and a mix of various cheap beer...but that was all! And best yet? No hangovers!
Are we pros or what?
So you might be saying to yourself 'When's the next trip? I'm in!'
September, of course. And better's Co-Ed! Bring your friends.... ;)
Now you all know that all my girlfriends are just as fucked as I am...doesn't this make you want to camp with us?
"China Wok in Burlington screams food poisoning to me."
Pics by SC, LJ and SF.
Awesome trip.
I now refuse to do anything more rustic than cabin camping. Sleep in the dirt? Fuck that, I can get shithouse drunk at home and sleep outside.
Can I bring a video camera the next time that happens?
i was wondering when we'd get to see those quotes... def bring that pad over when you come over next... we'll transfer them into the quote bible.
can't wait for glamping round no. 2. :)
Next time? Pick a night. I was pulling weeds out of the flower bed at 2am monday morning.
@Sara-Smile- I'll probably email them to you before then though...
@Jeff- Pulling weeds cuz you were drunk? I have some laundry you can do...maybe even a few dishes that need done... I'll provide the game? :P
I sure wish I was pulling flowers in the weed bed shitfaced with u Jeff - 'nuff booze and I'm game for anything.
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