Now that we're all up to speed on each others lives again, I have to say this: WE NEED MORE GIRL-TIME! I guess I didn't realize how much I truly missed them (it's been a few months since we've all had time in our busy lives to schedule something).
Let me say before I go on...I love having boy-time too (it's one of my favorite things) but, sometimes I need to see my girlfriends to 'ground' me. They make me realize that I'm not alone in this. By 'this', I mean this dating thing, this LIFE thing. These girls are other people of similar demeanor and gender as me that are going through the same stuff as I do on a daily basis such as: bad hair days, PMS days, feeling like crap about boys days, needing to be catty days and days that I just feel like crying for any reason. Try doing that with your guy friends or boyfriends. It usually doesn't fly that well. This is the reason for girlfriends.

I also realized this weekend that guys envy us. Not because we tend to smell better or have the opportunity to dance and not look stupid but because of our relationships with other girls.
No, I'm not making this up-someone of the male persuasion actually told me this. :) Think about it-girls can talk. They can open up to each other and let our guard down amongst other girls even if we look weak. It's a sign of being sure of our surroundings and knowing full well that we are understood even if we don't make any sense. We're able to talk about things in more depth than this:
Boy #1: 'Hey dude.'
Boy #2: 'S'up.'
Boy #1: 'What's happening?'
Boy #2: 'You know, the, girl problems, stayed up all night playing Left4Dead.'
Boy #1: 'Yeah, I hear you.'
Boy #2: 'Word.'
Boy #1: 'Beer me.'
Boy #2: 'No problem.'
...add a few grunts and the sound of a bottle being opened and I'm sure you get the gist of it. :)
So, to this I say-you go girl!
PS-Recognize the cartoon above? Maybe you don't but I do and I specifically picked it as a lead-in to my next blog: How Disney is currently eliciting sex through cartoon fairies.
Sounds like the perfect conversation. Beats the typical girl conversation anyway:
Girl #1 blah blah blah blah new pants blah blah blah blah blah hair
Girl # 2 blah blah blah totally hair blah blah blah boys blah blah
Girl #1 blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Sex in the City blah blah blah blah blah
Girl #2 blah blah blah feelings blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Girl # 1 blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Girl # 2 blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Repeat infinity
...I don't see your point...
Oh I understand are missing a menstrual cycle. Mystery solved.
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