
Hamster warranties

A few weeks ago I purchased our first 'real' pet. Well, I can't say that is true-we had fish several years ago until Lex fed them...bread.

Just in case you didn't know-fish don't eat bread. It's all good, I hated maintaining the fish tank anyway.

Back to my point-hamster warranties. Did you know that when you buy a small critter from Petco they give you a 15 day warranty? Yep. How morbid is that?

Me (at the checkout counter to Lex): I think we have all we need.

Checker: Ok, thank you Ms. Focker.

Me: Focken.

Checker: Oh, sorry. And here's your receipt and warranty.

Me: Warranty?

Checker: Yes, you have a 15 day warranty in case you have any issues.

Me: Like death? (audible gasp from Lex...of course)

Checker: Yes, if anything happens, just bring your receipt back.

Me: Wow...hamster warranties...crazy. So, I have 2 weeks to screw this up. Great.

In case you wondered-she has outlived her 'warranty' and is doing well (the hamster, not Lex).
But...for some reason, the hamster hates me. Kinda wish I would've been able to take advantage of the warranty... Ok, I'm kidding. ...somewhat.

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