

I need to rant....again.

Now, I've already stated that I love men. I love all their inadequacies, their 'issues', their conversation, their smell, their taste...... *ahem*. Ok, I'm back...but when I hear this:

'I've heard nice girls swallow and bad girls don't. Are you a nice girl? '

...I get this feeling in my throat that, unless I try really hard, will end up as my lunch on my keyboard. Get the picture?

Guys-who the fuck taught you to be such a douche? Seriously...where do you come up with this shit? Did some guy write a book that only guys have the opportunity to buy that outlines this crap? (Prob not the book-thing actually. A guy who reads a book? Few and far between...)

Cuz I'd like to know so I can kick down his door and Chuck Norris his ass. Isn't it hard enough to find a guy who can speak in clear, concise sentences that we need to put up with this annoying BS too?

I wanted to respond to this question with 'Can't it just be a pleasant surprise?' But, I thought that might lead him to believe that I actually wanted to be in that position with him. Instead...game over, DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT 200$.

My advice to this guy: Stop, just stop. Stop talking, stop typing, stop breathing...I don't care. Just stop making me suffer through your ego-trip.

Ok....on the other hand-RAVE to the guy who notices the color of my eyes and who can kiss me without trying to clear my air passages with his tongue....when I'm not choking.
RAVE to the guy who asks me out...again!
RAVE to the guy who walks me to my car. RAVE to the guy who is sarcastic, witty, funny and smart. RAVE to my brothers. And RAVE to the guys in my life. :)

Granted, I've been lucky. I haven't come across many douchebags thus far. Men are just confused...and if I don't keep telling myself that, I'll lose hope. None of us want that. :)


Anonymous said...

There is a comic I saw on HBO that talked about that sort of thing. I will have to tell you about her. I dont remember her name. You will like what she had to say....
And just who were you talking to?

Anonymous said...

I found her:
lisa lampanelli
Her act is called Long Live the Queen. I guess she's the the self proclaimed "Queen of Mean"
Check her out, the stuff she says about sex and men is really good...

Seattle Freeze said...

No one of importance...I promise. ;)

Thanks! I'll have to check her out.

MGD said...

That's why I don't even bother bringing the subject up. I just whip it out, the girl usually knows what to do at that point. And if she doesn't, it answers the question of if she's a nice girl or not.

Seattle Freeze said...

Well...at least you're spontaneous. I can appreciate that. ;)

How DO the girls respond to monkey dicks being thrown in their faces?