
What do you want?

I know it's a weird title but you'll understand why when you get done reading. I guess the main reason for this particular post is the question 'what do you want?'. Specifically 'what do guys want?'.

I've dated a hundred guys (I said 'dated', not slept with), from a pretty broad spectrum and I've found that:
1. I have a 'type' I'm more attracted to (per my girlfriends).
2. Guys are clueless.

Now any girl reading this is going to say 'uh...duh, you're in your 30's and you're just figuring this out?'. No...I'm just blogging about cuz it pretty much sucks right now.

So...back to my question. What do you want? We all know the things you DON'T want-you are VERY clear on those:
No neediness/clinginess/insecurities (ditto for us girls)
No one 'fat'/ugly (ugh...that's all)
No bad habits/drugs/smoking (anyone over 24 can agree)
No drama (check)

So...what do you want? Or do you even know? Let me guess...you'll know it when you see it, right? I'm sorry to upset most of you guys but think about it this way... You're a '5'...you probably shouldn't be searching for a '9'. Catch my drift? A 'King of Queens'-type relationship isn't reality. Now...I'm not saying you should settle! You should be realistic.

***I have to add a note here. I'm not 'that' girl. I don't really care what guys want for the purposes of changing myself to fit a certain 'need'. I'm definitely secure but...I'd just like to be sure of what I'm getting into, you know? Cuz, in reality, it doesn't matter who I am or what kind of person they are 'attracted to', it's all about timing.

Side note-if any of you guys think Seattle women are crazy...try dating the guys. Bleh.

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