
Remind me to sue someone.

I ran across an article this weekend about a Wisconsin school getting sued for 'falsely imprisoning' a student. Ok, I can get on board with that. Neglectful treatment of kids is NEVER something that should be condoned...then I read the rest of the article...

The kid was 'imprisoned' by being sent to time out. Wait...what? You're kidding, right?
The girl was sent to a 'time out room' where she supposedly hyperventilated and felt nauseous.
So...let's get this straight.

-Act like a complete brat.
-Get reprimanded for being a brat.
-Be a drama queen.
-Get parents to overreact.
-Walk away with college tuition.

In this case...I should probably be a hundred-millionaire because Lex Luthor has spent many, many recesses in class doing homework or in the principal's office.

Hmmm.... *thinking*.

No...I still can't do it-I don't want her to believe that she can get away with everything and not have any repercussions from it.

What is wrong with people? And we wonder where kids are getting their 'sense of entitlement'. It is a sad, sad country we live in if this claim isn't dismissed.

Full story here.

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