
Air Sex Championship?!? I WIN!

You're thinking, "this is a joke, right?" No and fortunately for you-it might be cumming to a city near you!

Air sex is not unlike it's counterpart, air guitar, only...more seductive and no colored buttons or strings. It's a 'theatrical sexual performance with an imaginary partner.' It was invented by, none other than a group of lonely, oversexed Japanese men.

Yes, you can chalk this one up to the somewhat odd trends created by our friends in the East but...you have to admit, this one has some entertainment value, at least.

I think we all can say that we've done this before...alone. But, can you do it on a stage...with props...in front of a large group of people...and possibly win more than just the obvious prize? The good news for the shy ones among us? You get to be fully clothed (if you want to)! Although this particular theatrical 'sport' isn't for the faint of heart, it should prove to be a lot of...information.

While most of the competitions on the East Coast are already over, this weekend the West Coast will get a piece of the action!

Now what we have to decide is: Stupid? or Erotically genius?




Sara-Smile said...

yeah, i'm blushing just thinking about it.... :)

and by that, i mean, we should totally go if they come to seattle.

Seattle Freeze said...

Sara-Smile-this Friday night, El Corazon. I need not say more...

cjinappletown said...

Sara-smile; I believe we need more of this in our apartment. We should host an air-sex competition. It can be an inter-sexual competition bringing gays, straights and bi's together!!

Seattle Freeze said...

@Sidje- I'm thinking you're onto something...
@Sara-Smile- A planning committee must be organized IMMEDIATELY!