The Ladder Theory is a 'scientific' explanation of how men and women are attracted to each other. But...that's not necessarily correct either because the author of the theory doesn't stray from one single fact: how men and women can never be 'just friends' if the man is attracted to the woman because he'll always want to have sex with her.
He starts off with the basic rating systems that men and women do when they first meet someone: women having a fairly large percentage based on the guy's money/power status and men focusing mostly on looks.

A guy meets a girl and 'sizes her up' based on the above criteria and places her on his 'ladder'. He meets another girl...same thing and places her on the ladder also. The placings are based on his attraction to her and how much he'd like to 'hit it'. It's to be noted that all guys want to fuck all girls they are even slightly attracted to given the circumstances. The only difference lies in whether or not they'd admit to such after the fact (usually alcohol/drugs are a factor here).

The problem arises when a guy is placed on the friends ladder (usually unknowingly) and tries to make the jump to the real ladder. The theory states that the woman can either let him onto the real ladder or kick him off both (theory has it that being let onto the real ladder has never really happened and, I assume, only happens in sappy romantic comedies such as 'Made of Honor').
The ladder-jumper usually falls into the 'abyss' guy wants to fall into the abyss with a girl he'd actively like to fuck.

I set out on a mission to debunk this theory written by what I (still) think is a guy who's probably been at the bottom of the women's friends ladder on many occasions. I read and reread the theory until I had it set in my mind that the author was probably drunk or stoned and probably a mutant basement-dweller that hates women. He makes a reference in the theory to 'female bitch'...which we all know is a derogatory term used against females and gay guys.
The fact that he specifically notes that ALL women give priority to guys that have fat wallets over the guys that are their 'cuddle-bitches' was enough to make me throw up. I mean, who the fuck does this guy think he is? Oh yeah...a guy living in his mom's basement.
His breakdown of the women's pie chart is absurd, right? I mean, don't normal guys have the same wants? Don't they want a woman who, at least, can take care of herself (meaning...have a job)? He assumes that all women are the same even stating in his theory that women will say "Well, I'm not the average woman because...blah...blah...not true...blah boyfriend/lover/husband/masseuse was poor...blah...blah" but still be lying (even to themselves) about this fact.
I was all set to go out and date as many basement-dwelling mutants as possible until I read the theory yet again and then...set out to interview my male 'friends'.
I talked to 4 of my guy friends knowing full well that at least 2 of them would fail me. I didn't realize though that ALL of them would...
The 2 that failed were simple-"Yes, Seattle, I would like to fuck you, I thought you'd never ask-can we do this now?"
Another one gave me this-"You are NOT the one girl who is attractive that I WOULDN'T like to have sex with. There is one girl (a girl I've met btw) who's LIKE a sister to me that, given the chance, would NEVER happen because we've known each other too long and I don't think of her that way."
And the one guy who I thought would never let me down (at least with this debunking) had this to say-"We're both want to hump every once in a while and I have a hot tub." Wait...what?
But, he also helped me understand some basic points: "...just because someone finds the other person attractive, doesn't mean they CAN'T be friends. They might want more out of the relationship on some level, but just because of that, it doesn't always hinder them from being good friends. Here's my point-just because a guy wants to have sex with a woman, doesn't mean he can't separate that from his friendship or lack of friendship with her. That's why a guy can be friends with a girl he wants to have sex with." Needless to say, this made me feel better.
And...leads me to believe that I could possibly have a few more 'friends with benefits' that I never knew about. ;) (More info on bene-friends in a later post).
What I'm saying is that I can probably prove that the author of the Ladder Theory is probably an egotistical nightmare to be around and totally wrong on some very important levels of what attracts women to men but his theory is generally sound.
Care to try?
so by "hit it", is that more of a closed fist, or back of hand kind of thing. bat, of course. ;)
and of course my favorite:
""Criticism: I have lots of male friends who would never think of me that way blah blah blah.
Answer: Your friend doesn't find you attractive, or he's currently doing better, or he's gay or you're wrong.""
-Certainly, this guy is jaded to the point of making me look like an extreme optimist, but fuckin' hilarious, nonetheless!
Bravo SF for bringing it to another set of uninformed readers!
Poor SF, all the guys wanna fuck you. Wow, that's terrible, bitch! I wish I had that problem
@liverfire- Hey I'm not complaining about the amount of people that want to get in this action (I don't blame them)...the more annoying dilemma is the actual consistency of said action. ;)
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