
…and then Buffy staked Edward. The End.

To start this piece, I should go ahead and admit that I’ve read all 4 Twilight books (the last book, being 700+ pages, in about 2.5 days). I’ll even admit that I liked the books enough…even though I’m not a 14 y.0. girl.

And, yes, I am intrigued by the idea of ‘vampires’ but no, I don’t think they actually exist. I plead the 5th for any other comments.

Watching the Twilight movie though…made me want to commit suicide by /facepalm.

So you can imagine that if the beloved Buffy the Vampire Slayer came across the likes of Edward, it would, at least, be entertaining…

I came across this video remix of how it would be…I had to share:

1 comment:

liverfire said...

I was laughing sooo hard! Glad you enjoyed it!