
You know what sex leads to, right?

Well...preferably more sex but...more importantly (at least for this piece)...better sperm!

Having some trouble with your damaged sperm? Well, you're in luck! I have a solution!

Have more sex!

You don't have to explain the reasons to me but in case YOU wondered...

According to the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Amsterdam, a new study shows that having more sex will reduce the amount of DNA-damaged sperm.

I love when things go my way... But, in reality, it's obvious. The more quickly you 'release' the damaged sperm, the more quickly better quality sperm can be produced.

To the infertile, this research is promising but still doesn't prove that men will be more fertile and result in more babies being born. Ongoing studies are researching the more sex vs. more babies issue.

Which, leads me to question...what? Do we seriously need a study for this? Ummm...yeah. More unprotected sex with undamaged = more children. Duh. And I don't even have a doctoral degree!

But I digress... I'll focus on this part of the article:
Bill Ledger (a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Sheffield) said instructing couples with infertility problems to have more sex could stress their relationship. "This may add even more anxiety and do more harm than good," he said.
And here I ask again-what? How do people come up with this stuff? Sex = more anxiety? I thought that one of the main reasons a guy 'needs' sex is the whole 'stress release' bit?

I wonder if these authority figures in our medical community even think about what they are saying before they open their mouths?

In fact, I found another article from MSNBC last year about a research study by James Coan, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, that shows the exact opposite! And!!! It can help with a bunch of other medical issues too such as a correlation to healing faster, getting sick less often and living longer.
Good relationships offset tension in daily life. Anxiety spikes blood pressure, which hobbles the immune system. But when you have sex, you release feel-good hormones, including oxytocin and endorphins. Eventually, you begin to associate your partner with those positive feelings, and he becomes someone you trust to be your soother during tough times.
Now, as your resident sexologist, I say...get to it! Spread the love! ;)


Source 2.


plaidr said...

I might add that (for some of us) masturbation yields the same results. If anyone wants to check me on that, feel free - my sperm should be downright perfect.

Seattle Freeze said...

I don't know plaidr-do you have a bunch of kids running around?
Oh wait...you'd have to be having actual sex for that. ;)