...is the month of April. But...since I, personally, think that we need to be aware during ALL months-I still feel the need to blog about this on the last day of April.
Last night I attended a sexual assault awareness demonstration with several friends. The event was hosted by Take Back the Night, an organization that is canvassing to help communities create safe environments, respectful relationships and empowering survivors of sexual assault.
The event, itself, was very educational, enlightening and very emotional.
But also...scary.
Scary partly because many of these women didn't (and still don't) have people they feel they can trust enough to speak to. There were several women to 'speak out' whom have never talked about their experiences before! Not being a survivor (victim) of sexual assault myself, I can't (in the least) pretend to understand what these women have gone through and the shame that they feel because of it. What a lot of women don't understand is that-it's NOT their fault! No one DESERVES to be raped/molested/attacked. And, as one of my friends spoke out about, our language with one another doesn't help the problem.
Now for my confession (which isn't really a confession because I've actually told several people-although not in depth)... Even though I was never sexually assaulted, I am a survivor of physical, verbal and emotional domestic abuse (according to court records). It ended about 10 years ago but I let the relationship go on for 4 years too many. But I have 1 slight scar as a reminder to me that I am worth SO much more than what I was being given.
I've always chalked it up to 'I was young' but I think I always knew that I just wasn't sure of who I was and was looking for a place to fit in. I still haven't told my siblings or parents about it...although I'm not sure why... I guess I just didn't want pressure from them to make decisions I wasn't ready to make at the time. Since then, though, I've told boyfriends and friends so I know I'm capable of having that conversation with people.
I can safely say that I've never been in an abusive situation since-I'm a smart cookie and am pretty quick nowadays to notice the signs of 'control'. I also don't want my daughter to think that it's 'ok' to let someone treat you that way.
But because of last night, I know that I want to be the person that any of my friends/family/acquaintances can come to if they ever need to talk, help or just a shoulder to cry on.
Although...this did bring up a whole new realm of things I didn't want to think about and I couldn't sleep last night because all this was jumbling around in my head (about my own daughter):
What happens when she goes to college?
Her first frat party?
What about clubs? What's she going to wear?
What kind of friends will she be drawn to?
How can I instill in her that she deserves better than what 'society' says she should be allowed?
What about high school? Peer pressure to have sex/do drugs/smoke/drink?
What does she ACTUALLY think of me as a parental figure?
Am I doing a good job? Does she know she can talk to me about ANYTHING?
Does she actually think about/miss her dad?
Can I really do this alone? (the next 10 years, if needed)
Everyone needs reassurance...how can I help you? :)
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
A friend of mine was prodding me as to why I haven't blogged much lately and I told her I didn't have any inspiration to bitch much in the recent past. She shot back an idea that I thought I'd run with...Regrets.
I'd like to make this somewhat interactive though. I want to know what other people regret too. What decisions or lack of decisions have you made (or not made) that you regret? What would you do differently? And, lastly, how are you going to go about rectifying the situations?
My regrets:
1. 4 whole years (but not the outcome).
2. Not finishing college the first time around.
3. Wasting too much time on friendships that aren't truly friendships and giving too much but getting too little in certain relationships.
4. 3 sexual encounters (done willingly, albeit probably drunkenly).
5. Not speaking up about how I felt or what was on my mind.
6. Buying a Plymouth Neon. (don't ask)
7. Not talking to my mom as much as I should.
But what about what you DON'T regret...that people would think that you did.
1. Having my daughter as a single mother.
2. Moving to New Mexico.
3. Cutting my hair short and dying it to my 'natural' color.
4. Not getting a tattoo.
5. Going to the grocery store in my pajamas (seriously...who cares?).
6. Eating carbs (pasta...yum!).
7. Blogging. ;)
Now you...spill...
I'd like to make this somewhat interactive though. I want to know what other people regret too. What decisions or lack of decisions have you made (or not made) that you regret? What would you do differently? And, lastly, how are you going to go about rectifying the situations?
My regrets:
1. 4 whole years (but not the outcome).
2. Not finishing college the first time around.
3. Wasting too much time on friendships that aren't truly friendships and giving too much but getting too little in certain relationships.
4. 3 sexual encounters (done willingly, albeit probably drunkenly).
5. Not speaking up about how I felt or what was on my mind.
6. Buying a Plymouth Neon. (don't ask)
7. Not talking to my mom as much as I should.
But what about what you DON'T regret...that people would think that you did.
1. Having my daughter as a single mother.
2. Moving to New Mexico.
3. Cutting my hair short and dying it to my 'natural' color.
4. Not getting a tattoo.
5. Going to the grocery store in my pajamas (seriously...who cares?).
6. Eating carbs (pasta...yum!).
7. Blogging. ;)
Now you...spill...
I stumbled upon HELL on the internet...
...and now I'm sharing it with you.
Can you even imagine saving up your tooth fairy money to get breast implants? An 11 year old who won't eat bread because carbs make you fat? (Don't they live on peanut butter & jelly sandwiches?) Or a 10 year old that owns more lip gloss than me (at 31) has ever owned?
Ok...the last part might be an exaggeration...I have actually counted 10 lip glosses in one purse alone. And, NO! It's not an addiction! I just like the sticky, wet stuff on my lips. (I'm talking about lip gloss you perverts! Although...).
I digress...
I read an article (which I've hyper-linked below) about tween girls who act more like 20-somethings than their 10 year old bodies actually are. And more disturbing is the fact that a large percentage of girls start puberty before they are even 10!
I know I've touched on this before but-what the hell? It's funny because, as I read the article, all I could think was 'STUPID PARENTS!' You are enabling your kids to be this way and not reassuring them that it IS ok to be a kid.
It's ok to have dirt on your face (under your nails, in between your toes...etc).
It's ok to eat ice cream sandwiches (they're SUPPOSED to have the metabolisms to work it off running later).
It's ok to let your hair dry naturally (the last time I used a blow dryer-probably the year 2002).
It's ok to not match your clothing (although, still a pet peeve of mine-ask Lex, she hates me for it. No, just because it's also a pink color does NOT mean it matches).
It's ok to want a water gun instead of the newest Cosmo girl magazine at the store.
It's ok to not wait the exact 2 minutes before rinsing out your conditioner in the shower.
It's ok to play.
It's ok to want to visit Build A Bear and not the Aldo store in the mall.
As my 9 year old rushes upon puberty age, I've been thinking more often about what I have in store for me. At the beginning of her 4th grade year, I noticed some 5th graders wearing eyeshadow and eyeliner (badly, I might add). I freaked just a little.
I guess my only reprieve is that I actually CAN apply makeup fairly well and I'll make sure that Lex knows the correct technique, colors and amounts to wear if and when she starts doing so.
But even just last night she said to me 'Mom, you're more of a girly-girl and I'm not. Can you paint my fingernails blue?'
*hoping the blue polish means she's not quite mature enough to understand that she's 'primping'*
Rise of the Child Women.
Can you even imagine saving up your tooth fairy money to get breast implants? An 11 year old who won't eat bread because carbs make you fat? (Don't they live on peanut butter & jelly sandwiches?) Or a 10 year old that owns more lip gloss than me (at 31) has ever owned?
Ok...the last part might be an exaggeration...I have actually counted 10 lip glosses in one purse alone. And, NO! It's not an addiction! I just like the sticky, wet stuff on my lips. (I'm talking about lip gloss you perverts! Although...).
I digress...
I read an article (which I've hyper-linked below) about tween girls who act more like 20-somethings than their 10 year old bodies actually are. And more disturbing is the fact that a large percentage of girls start puberty before they are even 10!
I know I've touched on this before but-what the hell? It's funny because, as I read the article, all I could think was 'STUPID PARENTS!' You are enabling your kids to be this way and not reassuring them that it IS ok to be a kid.
It's ok to have dirt on your face (under your nails, in between your toes...etc).
It's ok to eat ice cream sandwiches (they're SUPPOSED to have the metabolisms to work it off running later).
It's ok to let your hair dry naturally (the last time I used a blow dryer-probably the year 2002).
It's ok to not match your clothing (although, still a pet peeve of mine-ask Lex, she hates me for it. No, just because it's also a pink color does NOT mean it matches).
It's ok to want a water gun instead of the newest Cosmo girl magazine at the store.
It's ok to not wait the exact 2 minutes before rinsing out your conditioner in the shower.
It's ok to play.
It's ok to want to visit Build A Bear and not the Aldo store in the mall.
As my 9 year old rushes upon puberty age, I've been thinking more often about what I have in store for me. At the beginning of her 4th grade year, I noticed some 5th graders wearing eyeshadow and eyeliner (badly, I might add). I freaked just a little.
I guess my only reprieve is that I actually CAN apply makeup fairly well and I'll make sure that Lex knows the correct technique, colors and amounts to wear if and when she starts doing so.
But even just last night she said to me 'Mom, you're more of a girly-girl and I'm not. Can you paint my fingernails blue?'
*hoping the blue polish means she's not quite mature enough to understand that she's 'primping'*
Rise of the Child Women.
My Media Player, Vol. IV
My first selection in this week's Media Player is a group that I found because of a car commercial. Shiny Toy Guns.
Here's the commercial. (Vimeo won't let me embed it).
The song that 'hooked' me is a remix of the classic "Major Tom" by David Bowie. Unfortunately, the full version of the Shiny Toy Guns remix isn't out yet but in the meantime, I'll be listening to this album in my new Lincoln MKZ. ;)
Shiny Toy Guns - Season of Poison
Tyrone Wells - Remain
Heard the song 'All Broken Hearts' on the show One Tree Hill this week so I looked him up...great album!
Nico Vega - Nico Vega
Also heard on One Tree Hill...what can I say? The show's got good music. :)
Here's the commercial. (Vimeo won't let me embed it).
The song that 'hooked' me is a remix of the classic "Major Tom" by David Bowie. Unfortunately, the full version of the Shiny Toy Guns remix isn't out yet but in the meantime, I'll be listening to this album in my new Lincoln MKZ. ;)
Shiny Toy Guns - Season of Poison

Heard the song 'All Broken Hearts' on the show One Tree Hill this week so I looked him up...great album!

Also heard on One Tree Hill...what can I say? The show's got good music. :)

My Media Player, Vol III
This guy had guts...
...to try to jack my car when I was less than a 100 feet away from it.
Yesterday, Lex and I went to Play It Again Sports (to look for quad skates and a small tennis racket for her) and parked in the almost-empty lot. As I got out, I noticed a guy walking through the lot but didn't really pay attention.
Walking away from the car, I hit the 'LOCK' button once on the key fob (if you hit it twice, it makes that annoying locking 'beep' so I usually don't).
I was about 100 feet way from it when I turn around to glance at it (not sure why I did this but...I did) and, at the same time, the guy who was walking through the parking lot casually tried to lift the handle as he passed by only to find it locked. I stopped...and I was a bit freaked out at this point.
It's like he didn't notice that I had JUST gotten out of it! Plus...he JUST KEPT WALKING! He didn't look around to see if someone had seen him or anything...apparently also not noticing me standing there dumbstruck by the fact that I just WATCHED a failed attempt at either the theft of my car or the precious 6 CD's I have inside! (I should probably start putting the sunroof down...just in case)...
Hmmm...I think there might also be a 2$ bill and about 3 $'s worth of pennies in there too...
But...he's lucky though but not because I would have run to the car screaming at him (and possibly ninja-kick him in the face) if it had, in fact, not been locked but because he would not have liked my car...at all.
First, it smells like a girl. For some reason, some days it smells really strongly like my perfume/lotion. Does this mean I wear too much?
Second, it hates.hates.hates cheap gas so you'll always be having to buy premium. She's a finicky V6...what can I say?
And third, it is probably the WORST car to drive in the snow that I've EVER had the opportunity to drive. So, let's just say, you'd probably have to leave it sit somewhere (flat) the whole time it snows (which, this past winter, was ALOT).
But, if you're going to be casing cars, I'd go somewhere nice to do that anyway. I hear Los Angeles has a lot of high end sports cars...you don't need my Mitsu...I promise.
Man...people are getting gutsy in this recession...
Yesterday, Lex and I went to Play It Again Sports (to look for quad skates and a small tennis racket for her) and parked in the almost-empty lot. As I got out, I noticed a guy walking through the lot but didn't really pay attention.
Walking away from the car, I hit the 'LOCK' button once on the key fob (if you hit it twice, it makes that annoying locking 'beep' so I usually don't).
I was about 100 feet way from it when I turn around to glance at it (not sure why I did this but...I did) and, at the same time, the guy who was walking through the parking lot casually tried to lift the handle as he passed by only to find it locked. I stopped...and I was a bit freaked out at this point.
It's like he didn't notice that I had JUST gotten out of it! Plus...he JUST KEPT WALKING! He didn't look around to see if someone had seen him or anything...apparently also not noticing me standing there dumbstruck by the fact that I just WATCHED a failed attempt at either the theft of my car or the precious 6 CD's I have inside! (I should probably start putting the sunroof down...just in case)...
Hmmm...I think there might also be a 2$ bill and about 3 $'s worth of pennies in there too...
But...he's lucky though but not because I would have run to the car screaming at him (and possibly ninja-kick him in the face) if it had, in fact, not been locked but because he would not have liked my car...at all.
First, it smells like a girl. For some reason, some days it smells really strongly like my perfume/lotion. Does this mean I wear too much?
Second, it hates.hates.hates cheap gas so you'll always be having to buy premium. She's a finicky V6...what can I say?
And third, it is probably the WORST car to drive in the snow that I've EVER had the opportunity to drive. So, let's just say, you'd probably have to leave it sit somewhere (flat) the whole time it snows (which, this past winter, was ALOT).
But, if you're going to be casing cars, I'd go somewhere nice to do that anyway. I hear Los Angeles has a lot of high end sports cars...you don't need my Mitsu...I promise.
Man...people are getting gutsy in this recession...
Worthless parents and their spawn
Have you ever known people who just don't give a fuck and it rubs off on their kids or...people who should have been sterilized at birth so that they couldn't reproduce, thus creating little tiny devil-like brats? Now...before you get me wrong-I completely understand that not ALL kids are this way (I'm pretty partial to my little Lex Luthor, knowing full well that she's not perfect). And, yes, I 100% agree that parents create these little beings of terror based on their actions and genes. But...seriously? I hate.hate.hate when people are so stupid that they don't see and can't understand that their kids might be evil (especially since it's most likely a failure on the parents' part).
I have always fully accepted that my kid isn't perfect, never will be and shouldn't ever be expected to be (no matter how hard I try). I understand that she's going to have moments of temper, moments of bad decision-making and moments of selfishness...she's a kid, it's expected. But I do have to admit that (now that she's older), it's easier to fix. And, the most important thing is...I don't put up with it. She doesn't talk to me like she runs the household...it doesn't fly. She's not as rude and she's definitely not rude or disrespectful to other adults...and she truly cares about others.
Ok...I'm going somewhere with this, I promise. This rant isn't really about my kid though, it's about the neighborhood bully-a year younger than Lex who has targeted her as his 'victim'. Unfortunately for Lex, this has been going on for several years now. What I don't understand is how someone so young (in his case) knows how precisely to fuck with another person? Why do you think you can blatantly lie about things and, just because you're a kid, think you can get away with it? How does he know what to say to hurt someone so deeply? How does he know about so many inappropriate things to say to spout off at opportune moments? And why is he so horribly disrespectful of another human being?
What it comes down to is...his parents. I'll give you a bit of back story here... His parents consist of an alcoholic (recovering or not, I'm not sure) and a woman who suffers from chronic depression. How do I know this? The mother, of course. I'm sure it's all in an attempt at attention but when you ever get the 'opportunity' to talk to her, she doesn't shut up. I've gone over there to complain about the way her kid treats my kid several times only to end up hearing about her life story including the sob story of her husband's alcoholism, the reasons she left him in the first place, his coming back and her bragging rights to being on meds to control her depression along with using it as an excuse to not be able to work. Uh...maybe you'd be less depressed if you had not let your alcoholic husband come back and treat you and your kid like crap. Plus...your kid treats you like crap because his dad makes it seem like it's something that should be accepted.
What brought on this rant? My weekend drama:
Lex had a friend spend the night on Friday night and Saturday morning they went outside to play. Amid their playing, the little girl broke something in the complex (doing something Lex told her they weren't supposed to do). So...yeah, I was ticked...obviously...but I called and left a message for the manager letting him know and asking him to call me.
He didn't call. I assumed either he was busy or...it wasn't a big deal since the object that got broken was already broken (the girl just made it worse).
8:00 pm...a knock at my door. It was the evil spawn's alcoholic father.
Have you ever known someone who just gave you the willies? Someone who, you would swear, was a pedophile, rapist or peeping tom? This guy has always made me feel uncomfortable in a leering, sex offender sort of way. And...what the fuck? Would you ever, EVER go about the situation like he did? Who the fuck does he think he is talking to my kid that way?? My own brother wouldn't talk to her that way and he certainly (as her uncle) has every right to reprimand her. Plus...I WAS RIGHT FUCKING THERE! I would never dream about doing that to another kid that I wasn't responsible for and who's parent is RIGHT FUCKING THERE! And was he feeling a bit defensive because he knows his kid is the next Timothy McVeigh and possibly was the one who broke the railing in the first place? Destructive little jerk that he is? Oh yeah...and...are you fucking kidding? What the hell do you care? No one even mentioned it to you! Plus...it's not your responsibility asshole!
So...since this has gone on for way too long, I feel the only thing I can do is move my daughter out of the situation. So yeah, since they're already closing her school at the end of the year (due to budget cuts in the district) she'll be switching schools anyway...and I'll be looking to move. Eastside maybe? Seattle? Just somewhere else...hopefully.
Until then, Lex is stuck playing extremely close to my apartment and forbidden to talk to the other kid (although the kid makes this hard because he incessantly taunts her and calls her names).
So...I know it's a controversial topic but...thoughts on sterilizing people who would make 'unfit' parents? And...maybe your definition of 'unfit'? Plus...now what do I do???? :)
I have always fully accepted that my kid isn't perfect, never will be and shouldn't ever be expected to be (no matter how hard I try). I understand that she's going to have moments of temper, moments of bad decision-making and moments of selfishness...she's a kid, it's expected. But I do have to admit that (now that she's older), it's easier to fix. And, the most important thing is...I don't put up with it. She doesn't talk to me like she runs the household...it doesn't fly. She's not as rude and she's definitely not rude or disrespectful to other adults...and she truly cares about others.
Ok...I'm going somewhere with this, I promise. This rant isn't really about my kid though, it's about the neighborhood bully-a year younger than Lex who has targeted her as his 'victim'. Unfortunately for Lex, this has been going on for several years now. What I don't understand is how someone so young (in his case) knows how precisely to fuck with another person? Why do you think you can blatantly lie about things and, just because you're a kid, think you can get away with it? How does he know what to say to hurt someone so deeply? How does he know about so many inappropriate things to say to spout off at opportune moments? And why is he so horribly disrespectful of another human being?
What it comes down to is...his parents. I'll give you a bit of back story here... His parents consist of an alcoholic (recovering or not, I'm not sure) and a woman who suffers from chronic depression. How do I know this? The mother, of course. I'm sure it's all in an attempt at attention but when you ever get the 'opportunity' to talk to her, she doesn't shut up. I've gone over there to complain about the way her kid treats my kid several times only to end up hearing about her life story including the sob story of her husband's alcoholism, the reasons she left him in the first place, his coming back and her bragging rights to being on meds to control her depression along with using it as an excuse to not be able to work. Uh...maybe you'd be less depressed if you had not let your alcoholic husband come back and treat you and your kid like crap. Plus...your kid treats you like crap because his dad makes it seem like it's something that should be accepted.
What brought on this rant? My weekend drama:
Lex had a friend spend the night on Friday night and Saturday morning they went outside to play. Amid their playing, the little girl broke something in the complex (doing something Lex told her they weren't supposed to do). So...yeah, I was ticked...obviously...but I called and left a message for the manager letting him know and asking him to call me.
He didn't call. I assumed either he was busy or...it wasn't a big deal since the object that got broken was already broken (the girl just made it worse).
8:00 pm...a knock at my door. It was the evil spawn's alcoholic father.
Him: I just need to talk to Alexa.I was assured by the manager's wife that they would talk to him but that doesn't stop me from being freaked out. Forgive me for being dramatic but...what if this guy goes on a bender and decides to take out his aggression on me...or worse, Lex? And...since I already mentioned that the kid is horrible, you can bet he's already told Lex that his dad has a gun...fuck.
Me: Oookaaayyy. (leary of the situation but Lex is right next to me)
Him: Alexa I just wanted to tell you that you can't blame the broken railing on (insert his kid's name). He gets blamed for everything and I wanted you to know that he's not going to get blamed for this because you broke it. (PS-the kid gets blamed for things because he's usually the one I WATCH actually causing the destruction, you jackass! Oh...and then lying to you about it...nice touch).
Me: (extremely pissed at his outburst towards my child) Excuse me? You can't talk to her that way! I don't know what you're talking about but she has a father and it's NOT YOU (granted she has no contact with her dad but...he doesn't know that)! We didn't blame him for anything, I'll have you know. I called the manager and he has yet to call me back. I'll take it up with (insert manager's name), it has nothing to do with you.
Him: (to me...finally) grumble, grumble (something incomprehensible...maybe because he was drunk...I don't know) Well, I just want to make sure...
Me: Slamming door in his face, picking up phone and dialing the manager's number (yet again) to complain about this guy.
Have you ever known someone who just gave you the willies? Someone who, you would swear, was a pedophile, rapist or peeping tom? This guy has always made me feel uncomfortable in a leering, sex offender sort of way. And...what the fuck? Would you ever, EVER go about the situation like he did? Who the fuck does he think he is talking to my kid that way?? My own brother wouldn't talk to her that way and he certainly (as her uncle) has every right to reprimand her. Plus...I WAS RIGHT FUCKING THERE! I would never dream about doing that to another kid that I wasn't responsible for and who's parent is RIGHT FUCKING THERE! And was he feeling a bit defensive because he knows his kid is the next Timothy McVeigh and possibly was the one who broke the railing in the first place? Destructive little jerk that he is? Oh yeah...and...are you fucking kidding? What the hell do you care? No one even mentioned it to you! Plus...it's not your responsibility asshole!
So...since this has gone on for way too long, I feel the only thing I can do is move my daughter out of the situation. So yeah, since they're already closing her school at the end of the year (due to budget cuts in the district) she'll be switching schools anyway...and I'll be looking to move. Eastside maybe? Seattle? Just somewhere else...hopefully.
Until then, Lex is stuck playing extremely close to my apartment and forbidden to talk to the other kid (although the kid makes this hard because he incessantly taunts her and calls her names).
So...I know it's a controversial topic but...thoughts on sterilizing people who would make 'unfit' parents? And...maybe your definition of 'unfit'? Plus...now what do I do???? :)
My Media Player, Vol II
Yeah, I've decided to do this every week! Lucky you!
Thriving Ivory - Thriving Ivory
Saw them on Rachel Ray yesterday and I LOVE their sound!
Matthew Ryan - Some Streets Lead Nowhere
I was surfing for music and came across this the other day...I cannot tell you how many times I've listened to this album so far. :)
Angels & Airwaves - I-Empire
I heard a song as background on the CW show 'One Tree Hill' one night and fell in love with it! Since then, I've downloaded all the albums...
Thriving Ivory - Thriving Ivory
Saw them on Rachel Ray yesterday and I LOVE their sound!

I was surfing for music and came across this the other day...I cannot tell you how many times I've listened to this album so far. :)

I heard a song as background on the CW show 'One Tree Hill' one night and fell in love with it! Since then, I've downloaded all the albums...

Archbishop's views on condoms...made me hot.
Is that wrong? Or is it because I'm at my 'peak' and am almost constantly 'excitable' that the following statement by the incoming (*snicker*) Archbishop of Westminster, The Most Rev Vincent Nichols, touched me:
But I guess my point it, WTF is he thinking? And what, exactly, is the other option if condoms aren't 'suitable' for 21st century sex? They've worked at a 100% level for me for the past 10 years. Should I be standing up as proof that they work as advertised? STD free and baby-free (no babies in 10 years=awesome!) should be good PR, right?
Read on for more info on his somewhat biased views of sex in the 21st century.
"Existing condom advertisements "demean" young people by promoting "drunken fuckery" and "casual anal sex on the street corner."and...
"At the end of most modern-day sexual encounters, the man will finish by removing the condom and ejaculating over his lover’s face, buttocks or breasts… There is little point in even using a condom anymore, and it is no longer compatible with contemporary sexual practices."Now, while I have limited experience with 'drunken fuckery on street corners' (limited, as in...none at all), I do have to say that this guy knows a lot more about sexual practices than I would like to admit.
But I guess my point it, WTF is he thinking? And what, exactly, is the other option if condoms aren't 'suitable' for 21st century sex? They've worked at a 100% level for me for the past 10 years. Should I be standing up as proof that they work as advertised? STD free and baby-free (no babies in 10 years=awesome!) should be good PR, right?
Read on for more info on his somewhat biased views of sex in the 21st century.

Tax Day Stuff!
Of course you've heard that many businesses are offering free stuff for people today (today, being tax day) but did you hear of this one?
The sex shop, Babeland, is offering free 'Gold Digger' vibrators to the first 100 people who come in and say that their taxes are done (can also be done with an online order). Of course the stores are in New York but, with further research, found that the only other store in the country is in Seattle! Score!
More Info.
Of course for those of you who already have a rockin' vibe, here are some more tax day freebies:
--->Cinnabon is offering free Bites treats, while they last, today. It's a promotion the company calls Tax Day Bites.
--->McCormick and Schmick's will have drink specials and it will hand over a $10.40 certificate for a future meal.
Seattle locations: 722 4th Ave., 1103 1st Ave. and 1200 Westlake Ave. N.
--->Come in Wednesday and P.F. Chang's will take 15 percent off your bill.
Seattle location: 400 Pine St.
--->Spend $15 to $25 at T.G.I. Friday's on Wednesday to get a $5 discount card; purchases over $25 earn a $10 discount.
--->Kidd Valley locations will take 15 percent off your order.
Seattle locations: Queen Anne, University District, etc.
--->15 percent slash off your total bill at Boom Noodle or Blue C Sushi (not including alcohol).
Seattle locations:
Boom Noodle - 1121 E. Pike St.
Blue C Sushi - University Village, Fremont, Alderwood mall
--->"Taxes Suck. Tacos Don't!" proclaims Seattle-based Taco Del Mar on a Web page announcing its Tax Day deal: Hand over your email address and they'll send you a coupon good for one free taco. Just print it out and take it in.
The sex shop, Babeland, is offering free 'Gold Digger' vibrators to the first 100 people who come in and say that their taxes are done (can also be done with an online order). Of course the stores are in New York but, with further research, found that the only other store in the country is in Seattle! Score!
More Info.
Of course for those of you who already have a rockin' vibe, here are some more tax day freebies:
--->Cinnabon is offering free Bites treats, while they last, today. It's a promotion the company calls Tax Day Bites.
--->McCormick and Schmick's will have drink specials and it will hand over a $10.40 certificate for a future meal.
Seattle locations: 722 4th Ave., 1103 1st Ave. and 1200 Westlake Ave. N.
--->Come in Wednesday and P.F. Chang's will take 15 percent off your bill.
Seattle location: 400 Pine St.
--->Spend $15 to $25 at T.G.I. Friday's on Wednesday to get a $5 discount card; purchases over $25 earn a $10 discount.
--->Kidd Valley locations will take 15 percent off your order.
Seattle locations: Queen Anne, University District, etc.
--->15 percent slash off your total bill at Boom Noodle or Blue C Sushi (not including alcohol).
Seattle locations:
Boom Noodle - 1121 E. Pike St.
Blue C Sushi - University Village, Fremont, Alderwood mall
--->"Taxes Suck. Tacos Don't!" proclaims Seattle-based Taco Del Mar on a Web page announcing its Tax Day deal: Hand over your email address and they'll send you a coupon good for one free taco. Just print it out and take it in.
A 'fix' for the economy?
Why wouldn't this work? I've thought about it for a few days and I can't come up with any reason why we shouldn't implement this tactic to fix the economic situation in the US:
Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge advocate of Obama and most of the changes he has decided to make but this would be cheaper...
PS-I know not everyone loves American cars (even me) but...it's just a car, right? And, at least a new one still has a warranty.
Reference here.
There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force - Pay them each $1 million dollars tax free severance with the following stipulations:If you do the math, it only comes out to about 40 trillion (I think my reference may have the incorrect numbers) dollars (chump change compared to the debt we've recently acquired; including monies paid to help out banks, the auto industry, the Tax Stimulus Bill 2009, etc.). Anyone care to expand?
1. They retire immediately. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.
2. They buy NEW American cars. Forty million cars ordered - Auto Industry fixed.
3. They either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - Housing Crisis fixed.
If more money is needed, have all members in Congress and their constituents pay their taxes.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge advocate of Obama and most of the changes he has decided to make but this would be cheaper...
PS-I know not everyone loves American cars (even me) but...it's just a car, right? And, at least a new one still has a warranty.
Reference here.
Time Machine Instructions
STFU skinny bitch
Many of you have noticed that I am a woman and with my womanhood comes a love of shoes, clothes, hair, all things glitter, things that sparkle, Mark Wahlberg and basically, shopping in general.
As far as shopping goes, I go it alone. I actually prefer it this way because I don't like to be rushed, I'm kinda picky and I don't want to have to go look at baby clothes (if I go with a new mother), tools (if I go with a guy), toys (if I go with a kid), etc... Shopping is a very 'me' sport. I know what I want, I get it (on my terms) and I get out. End of story.
I also don't like to talk when I'm shopping. Now, I love helping friends/family with THEIR shopping and I'm very good at giving opinions on THEIR purchases, etc. and if it's mutual stuff-I can handle that too but when it comes to me-type things, I'll be left alone thank you (guys-read that as: I'll never ask you to go bra shopping with me).
With that said, my biggest pet peeve is when another shopper (a stranger) tries to have a conversation with me (with the exception of old ladies or men who need help, of course). I'm always willing to help out the elderly (someday I'll be there).
And I'm not outright rude to people, I just don't make eye contact. It helps me keep to myself (unless it's a hot guy...then all bets are off).
So, yes, there is a point to this post...basically I need to vent.
The other day I walked into a clothing store after having spent 2 hours washing my car (picture-ratty ponytail, dirt under my nails, maybe car wax on my shirt and possibly running mascara-I was HOT *sarcasm). BTW...my car is gorgeous! I'm in the store for an exact 13 seconds when this lady (older than me but prob only 40ish), comes up to me and asks me if I work there:
Lady: Do you work here?
Me: (looking around to make sure she's talking to me-as I mentioned I look a bit unkempt if I were to be at work) Ummm...No.
Lady: Oh, well I'm just trying to find the clearance racks.
Me: Oh, I'm sorry.
Lady: I need to buy a whole new wardrobe and this stuff is too big.
Me: (getting irritated) Hmm...
Lady: My boyfriend said I could buy new clothes if I lost weight and I just lost a ton of it! It just shed off like it was nothing-now I'm a size 2.
Me: (in my head) wtf?
Lady: (she kept talking but her words started to drown out as my head filled with ways I could blast her for all the stupid things she just said on my blog...this went on for probably 10 mins)
I just stopped responding and she eventually floated away and found an actual employee. I know this because she is also one of those people who need everything they say to be heard by everyone else.
So, I'll dissect what irritated me (up until I stopped listening):
Boyfriend SAID she could buy new clothes? Now, I'm not a feminist or anything but WHAT? Seriously...it's like this woman I work with who said she doesn't believe in global warming because her husband says there's no such thing. ...idiot.
Wait! She has a boyfriend? Fuck.
The weight just shed off? Size 2? Fuck you. As much as I'd like to think I'm a nice enough person, I can't handle it when people blatantly brag about things (especially weight-that one irks me for personal reasons). I guess I completely understand it if it's one of my friends or family though but-if I don't know you...you should shut up before I rip off one of your skinny arms and beat you with it.
And...the fact she actually tried to have an ongoing conversation all about herself with a complete stranger? By the end of it, I was under the assumption she was a tad bit crazy. Too bad I'll never know!
Ok...venting done for the day. :)
As far as shopping goes, I go it alone. I actually prefer it this way because I don't like to be rushed, I'm kinda picky and I don't want to have to go look at baby clothes (if I go with a new mother), tools (if I go with a guy), toys (if I go with a kid), etc... Shopping is a very 'me' sport. I know what I want, I get it (on my terms) and I get out. End of story.
I also don't like to talk when I'm shopping. Now, I love helping friends/family with THEIR shopping and I'm very good at giving opinions on THEIR purchases, etc. and if it's mutual stuff-I can handle that too but when it comes to me-type things, I'll be left alone thank you (guys-read that as: I'll never ask you to go bra shopping with me).
With that said, my biggest pet peeve is when another shopper (a stranger) tries to have a conversation with me (with the exception of old ladies or men who need help, of course). I'm always willing to help out the elderly (someday I'll be there).
And I'm not outright rude to people, I just don't make eye contact. It helps me keep to myself (unless it's a hot guy...then all bets are off).
So, yes, there is a point to this post...basically I need to vent.
The other day I walked into a clothing store after having spent 2 hours washing my car (picture-ratty ponytail, dirt under my nails, maybe car wax on my shirt and possibly running mascara-I was HOT *sarcasm). BTW...my car is gorgeous! I'm in the store for an exact 13 seconds when this lady (older than me but prob only 40ish), comes up to me and asks me if I work there:
Lady: Do you work here?
Me: (looking around to make sure she's talking to me-as I mentioned I look a bit unkempt if I were to be at work) Ummm...No.
Lady: Oh, well I'm just trying to find the clearance racks.
Me: Oh, I'm sorry.
Lady: I need to buy a whole new wardrobe and this stuff is too big.
Me: (getting irritated) Hmm...
Lady: My boyfriend said I could buy new clothes if I lost weight and I just lost a ton of it! It just shed off like it was nothing-now I'm a size 2.
Me: (in my head) wtf?
Lady: (she kept talking but her words started to drown out as my head filled with ways I could blast her for all the stupid things she just said on my blog...this went on for probably 10 mins)
I just stopped responding and she eventually floated away and found an actual employee. I know this because she is also one of those people who need everything they say to be heard by everyone else.
So, I'll dissect what irritated me (up until I stopped listening):
Boyfriend SAID she could buy new clothes? Now, I'm not a feminist or anything but WHAT? Seriously...it's like this woman I work with who said she doesn't believe in global warming because her husband says there's no such thing. ...idiot.
Wait! She has a boyfriend? Fuck.
The weight just shed off? Size 2? Fuck you. As much as I'd like to think I'm a nice enough person, I can't handle it when people blatantly brag about things (especially weight-that one irks me for personal reasons). I guess I completely understand it if it's one of my friends or family though but-if I don't know you...you should shut up before I rip off one of your skinny arms and beat you with it.
And...the fact she actually tried to have an ongoing conversation all about herself with a complete stranger? By the end of it, I was under the assumption she was a tad bit crazy. Too bad I'll never know!
Ok...venting done for the day. :)
Finger Me
Ok...maybe I should go into detail before you all flip out over the title....
Fortunately (or unfortunately) for you, it's pretty accurate though. But I'm not specifically talking about a type of foreplay, I'm referring to meditation...of sorts.
Orgasmic meditation, to be exact.
The focus for advocates of orgasmic meditation is specifically about 'touching a woman', nothing else.
The OneTaste organization has made news recently for conducting this up and coming new spiritual wellness program (puns intended).
So...my only question now is-WHEN IS IT COMING TO SEATTLE?!? As you all know, I'd be game for that. ;)
Full Story Here.
And guys, they didn't forget about you...there are 'advanced' classes that shift the focus to you. I wonder how I can be trained to teach that???....
But remember...climax isn't the goal (but probably more like a pleasant surprise).
Fortunately (or unfortunately) for you, it's pretty accurate though. But I'm not specifically talking about a type of foreplay, I'm referring to meditation...of sorts.
Orgasmic meditation, to be exact.
The focus for advocates of orgasmic meditation is specifically about 'touching a woman', nothing else.
The OneTaste organization has made news recently for conducting this up and coming new spiritual wellness program (puns intended).
OneTaste is an organization founded in 2004, with the goal of fusing spirituality and sexuality, and orgasmic meditation -- something of a signature practice -- is seen as a way of directly accessing spiritual energy and of breaking through the barriers around sexual contact.The key to this type of meditation is that the participants experience it together. And, although orgasm isn't the 'goal', the effects of OM-ing, if done correctly, is similar:
It's a heady buzz, mixed with equal parts wooziness and intensity of focus paired with shaking like I just touched a live wire.Finger movements that will make me forget my problems? Sign me up!
So...my only question now is-WHEN IS IT COMING TO SEATTLE?!? As you all know, I'd be game for that. ;)
Full Story Here.
And guys, they didn't forget about you...there are 'advanced' classes that shift the focus to you. I wonder how I can be trained to teach that???....
But remember...climax isn't the goal (but probably more like a pleasant surprise).
Another plastic bag bites the dust!
Will Edmonds bypass Seattle in being 'ahead of the curve' (as CM would put it)?
Local legislation is pushing for the ban of plastic bags in retail outlets in Edmonds!
Story here.
This follows suit of Seattle and their recent ruling to charge people 20 cents for each plastic bag they use when at the checkout counter in hopes to get more people to choose paper or reusable bags.
Edmonds wants to ban plastic bags completely! And I agree! Although some would argue that the 'fad' of the reusable bags is very trendy-it also is very, VERY green-friendly!
Good job Edmonds!
Local legislation is pushing for the ban of plastic bags in retail outlets in Edmonds!
Story here.
This follows suit of Seattle and their recent ruling to charge people 20 cents for each plastic bag they use when at the checkout counter in hopes to get more people to choose paper or reusable bags.
Edmonds wants to ban plastic bags completely! And I agree! Although some would argue that the 'fad' of the reusable bags is very trendy-it also is very, VERY green-friendly!
Good job Edmonds!
My Media Player, Vol. I
I realized recently that I rarely ever talk music on my blog! But that's probably because most of you know I have horrible taste in music (or so you say).
So I've decided to hook you up with some of my current 'fav' albums (which, doesn't mean they are NEW albums, just my favorites at the moment!
Augustana-Can't Love, Can't Hurt
I can't seem to get enough of their new CD!
Ian McFeron Band-Fistfight With Father Time
This is probably my favorite band for sentimental reasons (because I know them and they are all extremely talented). This is not the newest album-just my favorite one! They are also currently on tour all over the western states! Check out the website!
Until very recently, I didn't know this was a christian rock band...you'd never guess it!
Plus...let's just say I wouldn't kick any of these guys out of bed either. ;)
Our Lady Peace-A Decade
Gotta have a staple, right?
Hinder-Take It To The Limit
Hey...a girl's gotta rock.
Blue October-Approaching Normal
You can thank my brother for this obsession...
So I've decided to hook you up with some of my current 'fav' albums (which, doesn't mean they are NEW albums, just my favorites at the moment!
Augustana-Can't Love, Can't Hurt
I can't seem to get enough of their new CD!

This is probably my favorite band for sentimental reasons (because I know them and they are all extremely talented). This is not the newest album-just my favorite one! They are also currently on tour all over the western states! Check out the website!

Until very recently, I didn't know this was a christian rock band...you'd never guess it!

Plus...let's just say I wouldn't kick any of these guys out of bed either. ;)

Gotta have a staple, right?

Hey...a girl's gotta rock.

You can thank my brother for this obsession...

Smart Guys & Me
People have questioned my adoration of the male species with an IQ higher than mine and why it matters if they are smart as long as they are freakin' hot. So girls and boys-if you've been reading my blog at all, you'll understand my answer:
Yes, there it is.
Let's take it up a notch though and explain. In my quest for love (or something like it), I've dated a vast array of men...
The Cowboy (Spare me your ego trip the size of your belt buckle please...)
The Toker (I'm being nice. The thing is-drugs aren't ok, grow up for your daughter's sake.)
The Hunter (There is only so much talk of shooting that perfect 8 point elk that a girl can take)
The Musician (While extremely hot and 'talented', lacks...substance)
The Hippie (Make a decision already!)
The Single Dad (I can relate but...you need a life outside of your kid, for you...otherwise, it's unhealthy. Trust me.)
But, what it always comes back to is that I have the most enjoyable relationships with the Engineers/Accountants/Computer Programmers of the pool.
And do you know why?
Because these guys want to know how you 'work'. How it all fits together. They take the time to figure out what works and they usually find it! It's in their personalities-they usually don't have a choice but to just be inquisitive of the outcome.
Physicists, for example, have the ability to project one's internal visualization and experiences onto the external environment. They, then, apply the ideas of physics to reality.
Computer Programmers intensely concentrate on building instructions to coax a computer to do what it's built to do. He can concentrate for hours, often losing track of time to realize what he believes is an artistic creation.
Engineers are energetic and advocates of the direct approach. They are also usually free of neurotic and psychosomatic symptoms (which, in this city, is RARE).
Doctors are conscientiousness, creative, communicative and have a level of commitment that is rarely found in other professions. (that's 4 C's!!! can't argue with that, can you?)
Now think of all those personalities I just listed and bring it to the bedroom.
Got it?
Fantasy-land, right?
Of course, I know that there is more to a relationship than sex but, here's the deal:
If you're a girl who is independent, non-needy, enjoys other friendships and likes to have time to yourself also, it works out great because usually men with these personalities have very busy work lives too.
But...when you do come together you, at least, can have a better conversation than about what you saw on Fox News that day.
Wouldn't it be nice to have someone care about what makes you tick instead of how quickly they can get to the end result all the while throwing out some typical bedroom talk trash.
Whisper your explanation of the Quantum Entanglement to me and I'll offer to help you produce our own experimental predictions. ;)
Yes, there it is.
Let's take it up a notch though and explain. In my quest for love (or something like it), I've dated a vast array of men...
The Cowboy (Spare me your ego trip the size of your belt buckle please...)
The Toker (I'm being nice. The thing is-drugs aren't ok, grow up for your daughter's sake.)
The Hunter (There is only so much talk of shooting that perfect 8 point elk that a girl can take)
The Musician (While extremely hot and 'talented', lacks...substance)
The Hippie (Make a decision already!)
The Single Dad (I can relate but...you need a life outside of your kid, for you...otherwise, it's unhealthy. Trust me.)
But, what it always comes back to is that I have the most enjoyable relationships with the Engineers/Accountants/Computer Programmers of the pool.
And do you know why?
Because these guys want to know how you 'work'. How it all fits together. They take the time to figure out what works and they usually find it! It's in their personalities-they usually don't have a choice but to just be inquisitive of the outcome.
Physicists, for example, have the ability to project one's internal visualization and experiences onto the external environment. They, then, apply the ideas of physics to reality.
Computer Programmers intensely concentrate on building instructions to coax a computer to do what it's built to do. He can concentrate for hours, often losing track of time to realize what he believes is an artistic creation.
Engineers are energetic and advocates of the direct approach. They are also usually free of neurotic and psychosomatic symptoms (which, in this city, is RARE).
Doctors are conscientiousness, creative, communicative and have a level of commitment that is rarely found in other professions. (that's 4 C's!!! can't argue with that, can you?)
Now think of all those personalities I just listed and bring it to the bedroom.
Got it?
Fantasy-land, right?
Of course, I know that there is more to a relationship than sex but, here's the deal:
If you're a girl who is independent, non-needy, enjoys other friendships and likes to have time to yourself also, it works out great because usually men with these personalities have very busy work lives too.
But...when you do come together you, at least, can have a better conversation than about what you saw on Fox News that day.
Wouldn't it be nice to have someone care about what makes you tick instead of how quickly they can get to the end result all the while throwing out some typical bedroom talk trash.
Whisper your explanation of the Quantum Entanglement to me and I'll offer to help you produce our own experimental predictions. ;)
Math and Sex Appeal
Some of you have wondered why I love smart guys so much-the answer is easy. THEY KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE DOING!
Oh and not just under the covers either. Have you ever sat across from someone while they recited the Pythagorean theorem? Or explained the mechanics of an elevator? Or the detailed account of what goes into developing computer programs/games? Well, I have...and boy does it make me hot!
Ok, to start I'll delve into a bit of math (stay with me here) and explain the concept the 'Golden Ratio'.
Attractiveness has always been associated with an aesthetically appealing face. According to Luca Pacioli and Da Vinci, the more closely one’s face adheres to proportions dictated by the Golden Ratio, the more aesthetically appealing a person is therefore, exuding more sex appeal.
I bring this up mostly because I was watching the Discovery channel this weekend during late night hours and saw a video on sex appeal that I recommend everyone watching.
It's not like you can actually 'change' the aesthetic proportions of your face without many thousands of dollars worth of cosmetic surgery but it will have you searching for a ruler and awkwardly measuring your face. I did this in hopes to find another explanation as to why my dating life has been so turbulent. Maybe my face isn't 'proportioned' pleasingly enough.
I'll spare you my 'findings' but recommend you figure out the 'math' for yourself!
There are several videos so I'll just post the link to find them:
Click Here!!! Discovery Channel: The Science of Sex Appeal.
Oh and not just under the covers either. Have you ever sat across from someone while they recited the Pythagorean theorem? Or explained the mechanics of an elevator? Or the detailed account of what goes into developing computer programs/games? Well, I have...and boy does it make me hot!
Ok, to start I'll delve into a bit of math (stay with me here) and explain the concept the 'Golden Ratio'.
In mathematics and the arts, two quantities are in the golden ratio if the ratio between the sum of those quantities and the larger one is the same as the ratio between the larger one and the smaller. The golden ratio is an irrational mathematical constant, approximately 1.6180339887. Ancient Greek mathematicians first studied what we now call the golden ratio because of its frequent appearance in geometry.The Golden Ratio has been widely advocated that it yields pleasing, harmonious proportions in art such as the Ritratto di Frà Luca Pacioli (painted by an unknown) or the Parthenon (below).

I bring this up mostly because I was watching the Discovery channel this weekend during late night hours and saw a video on sex appeal that I recommend everyone watching.
It's not like you can actually 'change' the aesthetic proportions of your face without many thousands of dollars worth of cosmetic surgery but it will have you searching for a ruler and awkwardly measuring your face. I did this in hopes to find another explanation as to why my dating life has been so turbulent. Maybe my face isn't 'proportioned' pleasingly enough.
I'll spare you my 'findings' but recommend you figure out the 'math' for yourself!
There are several videos so I'll just post the link to find them:
Click Here!!! Discovery Channel: The Science of Sex Appeal.
Way to go Iowa!
Wow...how is it that a state in the Midwest can legalize gay marriage but the 'liberal' states have issues with it (*cough* Washington.)?
Full story here.
Full story here.
What if?
I'm getting kind of sick and tired of being the 'what if' girl.
(from his point of view):
What if I made a mistake and she's 'the one'?
What if I had just given it a few more months, maybe my feelings would be different?
What if I had given her a little more time from my day?
What if we lived closer together?
What if I wanted her because she wants me and not because she's unavailable?
Seriously guys...wtf?
Have you ever been faced with a 'what if' situation? Maybe a 'what if I do this and it falls apart...again'?
Yes, again. And that brings up another question for you; would you give an ex another chance? (to the people that know me-don't worry)
Would it depend on the situation? The reason for the relationship ending the first time? The time that had passed? And...distance?
What if they were dangling this 'thing' in front of you-something that you have wanted for so long but couldn't quite get a grasp of? Would it be considered 'settling'? What if the person had changed? (I know...maybe I'm kidding myself here)
And another scary realization: Do we, as secure women, secretly love the drama and find ourselves in these situations because we crave some sort of attention (no matter how fucked it may be)? And how does this always seem to happen...to me?
In the end...my answer is what it always is-the safe one. Details, details.
If my post made no sense to you either...then I achieved what I wanted-confused you. Now you know how I feel. :)
No worries, I'll expand on it later when I get a grasp of reality.
(from his point of view):
What if I made a mistake and she's 'the one'?
What if I had just given it a few more months, maybe my feelings would be different?
What if I had given her a little more time from my day?
What if we lived closer together?
What if I wanted her because she wants me and not because she's unavailable?
Seriously guys...wtf?
Have you ever been faced with a 'what if' situation? Maybe a 'what if I do this and it falls apart...again'?
Yes, again. And that brings up another question for you; would you give an ex another chance? (to the people that know me-don't worry)
Would it depend on the situation? The reason for the relationship ending the first time? The time that had passed? And...distance?
What if they were dangling this 'thing' in front of you-something that you have wanted for so long but couldn't quite get a grasp of? Would it be considered 'settling'? What if the person had changed? (I know...maybe I'm kidding myself here)
And another scary realization: Do we, as secure women, secretly love the drama and find ourselves in these situations because we crave some sort of attention (no matter how fucked it may be)? And how does this always seem to happen...to me?
In the end...my answer is what it always is-the safe one. Details, details.
If my post made no sense to you either...then I achieved what I wanted-confused you. Now you know how I feel. :)
No worries, I'll expand on it later when I get a grasp of reality.
April Fool's
For lack of witty-ness today I won't be posting a blog that is April Fool's minded. Those of you that know me may realize that this is odd...I'm having an 'off' day, deal with it!
Instead, I'm going to post a list of things about me-only 1 of which isn't true. You tell me which one it is and you'll win...my devoted friendship for as long as I can stand you. :)
1. I worked at Quizno's in my early 20's.
2. I lost my virginity at age 18.
3. I've had sex in a Macy's mens dressing room.
4. I originally went to college on a scholarship for music.
5. I crashed my dad's truck the very first time I drove after I got my license at age 16.
6. I wore braces (teeth) in my mid 20's.
7. I've never cheated on anyone.
8. I had sex in the stockroom at KMart.
9. I played with Barbie dolls til I was 15.
10. I legally have 2 brothers and 3 sisters.
You'll be surprised...maybe. ;)
Instead, I'm going to post a list of things about me-only 1 of which isn't true. You tell me which one it is and you'll win...my devoted friendship for as long as I can stand you. :)
1. I worked at Quizno's in my early 20's.
2. I lost my virginity at age 18.
3. I've had sex in a Macy's mens dressing room.
4. I originally went to college on a scholarship for music.
5. I crashed my dad's truck the very first time I drove after I got my license at age 16.
6. I wore braces (teeth) in my mid 20's.
7. I've never cheated on anyone.
8. I had sex in the stockroom at KMart.
9. I played with Barbie dolls til I was 15.
10. I legally have 2 brothers and 3 sisters.
You'll be surprised...maybe. ;)
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