Oh and not just under the covers either. Have you ever sat across from someone while they recited the Pythagorean theorem? Or explained the mechanics of an elevator? Or the detailed account of what goes into developing computer programs/games? Well, I have...and boy does it make me hot!
Ok, to start I'll delve into a bit of math (stay with me here) and explain the concept the 'Golden Ratio'.
In mathematics and the arts, two quantities are in the golden ratio if the ratio between the sum of those quantities and the larger one is the same as the ratio between the larger one and the smaller. The golden ratio is an irrational mathematical constant, approximately 1.6180339887. Ancient Greek mathematicians first studied what we now call the golden ratio because of its frequent appearance in geometry.The Golden Ratio has been widely advocated that it yields pleasing, harmonious proportions in art such as the Ritratto di Frà Luca Pacioli (painted by an unknown) or the Parthenon (below).

I bring this up mostly because I was watching the Discovery channel this weekend during late night hours and saw a video on sex appeal that I recommend everyone watching.
It's not like you can actually 'change' the aesthetic proportions of your face without many thousands of dollars worth of cosmetic surgery but it will have you searching for a ruler and awkwardly measuring your face. I did this in hopes to find another explanation as to why my dating life has been so turbulent. Maybe my face isn't 'proportioned' pleasingly enough.
I'll spare you my 'findings' but recommend you figure out the 'math' for yourself!
There are several videos so I'll just post the link to find them:
Click Here!!! Discovery Channel: The Science of Sex Appeal.
Hey, this is a shameless promotion for some folks that I'm involved with -- it's an activity club for single professionals that puts a premium on brains. I've done cooking classes, travelled to Kentucky to do horses and bourbon. They are a bunch of cool folks -- google Events and Adventures, and tell them Markie sent you.
first to you, Suzanne - right on chica! this is yet another reason why when faced with the choice between brains and braun, one should always choose the braun (hmmm... now just to put that in action...).
the second is to Mark - you went to Kentucky to do horses?? hmmmmm... what kind of "club" is this... haha!
Markie Mark Mark,
(Can I call you Markie Mark? I'm going to anyway because I have a thing for THE Markie Mark Wahlberg)...
Yes, it was a shameless promotion and yes, I've heard of E&A although, from what I understand, the group prides themselves on being a 'social planning' club. I thought about joining several years ago when I first moved to Seattle but now..not so much. It's hard enough finding time to floss during this time of year as it is.
I'll give you a plug though and any of my 5 readers can check out the site: http://www.eventsandadventures.com/
If Sara-Smile picks up and moves back to Hawaii and my social calendar suddenly has gaps of non-activity, I will hit you up!
I'm confused! Choose braun?!? While it would be ideal to find a guy who's hella smart and drop dead gorgeous and muscle-y, I usually choose the brains because, after all is said and done, I can still talk world events with him (or at least get him to reload my computer). Am I wrong?!? :)
uhhhh.... yeah.... i meant BRAINS... (or did i? maybe it IS the braun i want???). there you go again, confusing me, making my life harder than it already is. wah wah wah. :) haha. See you tonight chica!
Yeah, I was thinking that maybe THAT'S what my problem is!!! Too many smart guys in my life! But then I realized...no...just too many smart guys who can't talk to girls. I could teach that class you know?
How To Talk To Girls For Nerds 101
And the elective for guys and girls: Using Your Mouth For More Than Just Words 210 ;)
The only confusion you should suffer today Sara-Smile is: Should I order a Hefeweizen or a Mack & Jack's first?
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