"Existing condom advertisements "demean" young people by promoting "drunken fuckery" and "casual anal sex on the street corner."and...
"At the end of most modern-day sexual encounters, the man will finish by removing the condom and ejaculating over his lover’s face, buttocks or breasts… There is little point in even using a condom anymore, and it is no longer compatible with contemporary sexual practices."Now, while I have limited experience with 'drunken fuckery on street corners' (limited, as in...none at all), I do have to say that this guy knows a lot more about sexual practices than I would like to admit.
But I guess my point it, WTF is he thinking? And what, exactly, is the other option if condoms aren't 'suitable' for 21st century sex? They've worked at a 100% level for me for the past 10 years. Should I be standing up as proof that they work as advertised? STD free and baby-free (no babies in 10 years=awesome!) should be good PR, right?
Read on for more info on his somewhat biased views of sex in the 21st century.

I just like the words "'drunken fuckery" in a sentence.. I'm going to have to start using that one.
Mmm...I kinda like drunken fuckery, itself...although have yet to try out any street corners. Something tells me I'm not missing much...
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