
This guy had guts...

...to try to jack my car when I was less than a 100 feet away from it.

Yesterday, Lex and I went to Play It Again Sports (to look for quad skates and a small tennis racket for her) and parked in the almost-empty lot. As I got out, I noticed a guy walking through the lot but didn't really pay attention.
Walking away from the car, I hit the 'LOCK' button once on the key fob (if you hit it twice, it makes that annoying locking 'beep' so I usually don't).

I was about 100 feet way from it when I turn around to glance at it (not sure why I did this but...I did) and, at the same time, the guy who was walking through the parking lot casually tried to lift the handle as he passed by only to find it locked. I stopped...and I was a bit freaked out at this point.
It's like he didn't notice that I had JUST gotten out of it! Plus...he JUST KEPT WALKING! He didn't look around to see if someone had seen him or anything...apparently also not noticing me standing there dumbstruck by the fact that I just WATCHED a failed attempt at either the theft of my car or the precious 6 CD's I have inside! (I should probably start putting the sunroof down...just in case)...

Hmmm...I think there might also be a 2$ bill and about 3 $'s worth of pennies in there too...

But...he's lucky though but not because I would have run to the car screaming at him (and possibly ninja-kick him in the face) if it had, in fact, not been locked but because he would not have liked my car...at all.
First, it smells like a girl. For some reason, some days it smells really strongly like my perfume/lotion. Does this mean I wear too much?
Second, it hates.hates.hates cheap gas so you'll always be having to buy premium. She's a finicky V6...what can I say?
And third, it is probably the WORST car to drive in the snow that I've EVER had the opportunity to drive. So, let's just say, you'd probably have to leave it sit somewhere (flat) the whole time it snows (which, this past winter, was ALOT).

But, if you're going to be casing cars, I'd go somewhere nice to do that anyway. I hear Los Angeles has a lot of high end sports cars...you don't need my Mitsu...I promise.

Man...people are getting gutsy in this recession...


plaidr said...

pretty crazy...

You should have just made up part of the story and went with the 'ninja-kicked his ass' plotline.

Oh well, glad it worked out ok. :)

Seattle Freeze said...

...and then a Pegasus slash Unicorn flew down from the sky and speared him through the temple with its horn.
The green blood that spewed from his wound was an acidic substance that melted the pavement under our feet opening up a gaping hole into the pits of Hell below.
Struggling to hang on to the crumbling pavement myself, I watch him plunge into the depths and finally hear only the crackling of his bones as the fires below singe the last remaining pieces of his body.
When I think hope is lost for me as my fingers lose their grip, I'm being lifted up to safety by a shimmering vampire....

I could go on...but I'm not sure you could handle the plot as it thickens........

MGD said...

You do drive a Mitsubishi, it might not be a bad idea to let someone jack it…

Seattle Freeze said...

Strong words coming from a guy who drives a similar brand (Toyota).
Get a beamer, then we can talk. :P