Go away.
I'm not even sure why I have a Facebook profile anymore, do you? No, seriously...do you know why I have a Facebook? It's an actual question...
I ran across this article today and just had to post it for all to see!!!!
These are the reasons...all 1 through 15...that I've entertained the thought of quitting the worldwide addiction known as Facebook.
15 Reasons To Quit Facebook.
I especially like the one about people posting unflattering pics of you (and then tagging you!)...I hate those...
'But, I DID just drink 7 vodka Redbulls, threw up in my best friend's lap, then fell asleep on the pitbull with vomit on my chin. I PROMISE that's not how I normally look!'
If any of my relatives saw some of these pics or notes, I'd have a lot of explaining to do to my dad...ugh...and NO ONE wants that.
'Seriously dad, I promise I didn't have sex with that guy in the Penney's dressing room-he was mistaken...it was Macy's.'
What about potential employers?!?
'Yes, I am willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead in this company...although I'm a little concerned with where you heard I'm good at giving head?'
The friend requests from people you NEVER talk to or used to hate in High School.
'Yeah, I guess 15 years is a good time to start up a new friendship between us. How about we become Facebook 'friends', then go right ahead and ignore each other? It'll look like we're friends because of our Facebook...when actually I can't remember your last name. Sound good? Good.'
Or the invitations! I got an invite to a wedding in Montana this week for a girl I haven't spoken to in 16 years! Not only that but...I didn't really talk to her in High School either!
One of my friends tries really hard to actually 'connect' with people when they request to be HER friend. They never respond to her messages after she's 'accepted'...pretty lame if you ask me.
'LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME! I HATE 7,568 FRIENDS!' ...even though I couldn't care less about them to even respond to their sincere message asking how I've been for the past 20 years...
Don't get me started on Twitter...
Your thoughts?

Ya know, I'm not really sure why I have one either. Originally I started it because my sisters have one and they thought it would be a cool way to get a hold of them. But when I thought about it, I realized we now have five ways to contact each other. Phone, text, mail, e-mail, and now facebook. How many ways do we really need to connect?
The way I see it...I was able (and still do) connect with the important people in my life without FB.
You forgot IM'ing though...which is my favorite!!!!
You know what I just noticed???
Mistake in my last paragraph:
'I HATE 7,568 FRIENDS'...
I'll leave it though-sounds good with the context of what I was writing. Freudian slip?
I totally agree with you, however I must say that all the above could be said about a myspace page, or even... god forbid... a blog.... hmmmmmmmmm.... ;)
YES! Myspace is the same but it's also already dying of social suicide.
I have to admit though, at least the music scene is pretty cool with Myspace.
As far as blogging...lest I remind you that YOU SUBSCRIBED TO ME!
I'm completely happy just writing away to my hearts content...just to get my thoughts/rants off my chest-even if no one reads! But...I'm pretty sure you knew that. :P
I don't understand your argument, SF... yes, I subscribe to you, but I don't have to subscribe to you in order to see your blog. In fact, in that regard, blogging is worse than facebook - facebook users have to be ACCEPTED by you to view your shit. So, in terms of your employer example - if your profile on myspace or facebook is private, then they have no idea that you give good head. Your blog, however, blatently puts it out there, along with anything else you've chosen to write. Right?
Ok, true...but bloggers (like me) don't overwhelm your life with BS unless YOU decide to read it and share it. Whereas-anyone you 'accept' on FB can inundate your inbox/wall with comments/graphics/messages/'hugs'/etc....
I'm not in control when it comes to FB as to what people write on my wall (I can delete them after the fact, I guess...), what pics they post on their profiles for THEIR friends to see, etc, etc.
With blogging, I have a lot more control-I can even READ the comments BEFORE I let you post them if I wish (which I don't because I want it to be real, not edited or censored), I can post the pics I want (without the worry that FB will 'block me' for what I post), etc...
This way, I still have my REAL friends (like you, Sara-Smile) without pushing my every movement (like Twitter or FB status') onto you. It's there if YOU choose to read it because you're my actual friend, not just because you've 'friend-ed' me.
Wow...I'm so glad we're ACTUAL friends and not pseudo-friends...otherwise, I'd be annoyed that you make me think. ;)
BTW...if it really bothered me THAT much, I'd have deleted my account by now...which I haven't. I just get annoyed about the hype and the apparent 'social' standing you acquire by the amount of 'friends' you have. It's not supposed to be that way...
I count my friends based on the actual 'relationship' I have with them, not the number...which, I'm sure all my ACTUAL friends do too-because I only hang out with smart/beautiful/witty/strong people, of course. ;)
So if the criteria for success is getting as many friends as possible, even if those friends aren't really friends, what's it say about a person who can't even get very many friends even on facebook?
I think you know what it says CM and....I'm hoping this isn't from experience???? ;)
But...in your defense, I'll admit that you are the ONLY person I've ever requested to be my friend on FB (everyone else added ME). :D
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