
How far is too far?

I came across an article today as I'm researching another blog I intend to write that made me ponder my title question.

A court in Dubai found a 27 year old Lebanese woman at fault when she found herself in a traffic collision resulting in the loss of her unborn child. (As a side note, I've found that Dubai is notorious for fatal road accidents because of their lack of traffic enforcement).

The stunner in the story is, though, the verdict is that she has to pay 5,450.00 (in American dollars) in 'blood money' to the unborn baby's next of kin.

What? Wouldn't the next of kin be ... her? Possibly the woman's husband? Or another of her children (if she has any)? So...she has to pay her husband or kid for the loss of her baby...?

And we thought we had stupid laws.

See the full story here.


liverfire said...

Yep, that's pretty horrible.

plaidr said...

One of my favorites is the good old "No Donkey in your Bathtub" law.


Seattle Freeze said...

Yeah, it is pretty horrible. :(

And yes, this country has had some pretty stupid laws also...like the 'No Child Left Behind Law'...what a joke! ;)

plaidr said...

I thought 'no child left behind' was more of an initiative as opposed to a law?

Seattle Freeze said...

Eww...getting a bit literal on us, are you?

It's actually an 'Act'.