My question here is (as it was during the Clinton administration too)...Why?!?
I think these people don't really understand the meaning of 'gun control' and the need for it. Gun control is based on the 2nd Amendment that allows us the 'right to keep and bear arms' but, people forget that owning a gun does NOT guarantee freedom. Sure it keeps the conspiracy theorists among them in sound mind but let me ask you this... Does owning a gun REALLY keep you safe?
Timothy McVeigh didn't commit his crimes with a gun, yet he killed 168 people!
The Unibomber, Theodore Kaczynski, also killed several people without the use of a firearm...and he could have gotten one fairly easily by living in Montana:
Montana is a “will-issue” state for concealed weapons permits. Any law-abiding citizen who fills out the application and can show they've completed some form of firearm safety course can obtain a permit.Side note: I owned a 9MM several years ago that I got a permit for in Montana and I didn't even have to take the firearm safety course. See? They'll give guns to anyone!!! ;)
With this said, I do admit that the total confiscation of firearms could lead to...issues.
“We are being asked what would be the stance of local law enforcement if the federal government calls for the confiscation of firearms,” Ravalli County Sheriff Chris Hoffman said. “That's a very real concern for people.”But I see it as a concern for the community around someone who is disgruntled about losing their rights to use their firearm at will. What's wrong with a few more restrictions on the sales/ownership of firearms?
I say...just about 8 years we'll do something stupid like put another Republican in office and he'll give you back the extension to your manhood. Sheesh.
An upside to the nature of the influx of gun enthusiasts? It's creating jobs in the manufacturing facilities that make guns and ammo. What comes around, right?
Full story here.
I'm assuming I'll have comments on this one...bring it boys-I like a challenge. ;)
boy oh boy... You just LOVE rattling cages don't you? Time to make some enemies I guess...
You say that owning a gun doesn't guarantee freedom. I agree. But under our constitution (which has worked pretty damn good for about 230 years) freedom does guarantee at least the right to own a gun.
Your argument seems to imply that one amendment (#2) is less important than another. What would you say if we "put a few more restrictions" on say.... the 19th amendment? Actually, you don't have to answer that. :)
For the record, I don't hunt and do not own a gun, but I DO think that more government and more restrictions and legislation can only lead us down one of two paths - capitalism or socialism. Hint: NOT capitalism.
Great, now you got me talking about crap I know NOTHING about - thanks a lot!
I'm on the defensive, tread lightly... ;)
If you read my blog correctly, you'll notice that I specifically noted that 'total confiscation of firearms could lead to issues'. I don't think we should completely take them away, we just need more restrictions on who gets them, universal waiting periods (for both a permit to own and concealed weapons permits), etc, etc. Stuff that makes sense, you know?
I'm going to pretend you didn't bring up my right to vote as an argument for less restrictions on gun control. Because of me (liberals), we have a proficient man as our Head of State instead of a rich old geezer (with his own list of dirty laundry that can ultimately be compared to Obama's) & incompetent MILF. Can you say 'hillbilly'? Plus...I'm pretty sure she stands for quite a few things you'd be against (reproductive rights for one...if you were me, wouldn't you like the choice?).
And...because you brought it up...what, exactly, is the issue you see with socialism? This I'd like to hear. Enlighten me.
Oh, that's know nothing about it. ;)
S'ok...I don't consider you an enemy, just...uninformed. :P
LOL. Big fan of socialism? That is extremely scary. China, Cuba, or North Korea may be places you want to look into.
...and just for fun, everyone who disagrees with you is not necessarily uninformed. ;) see-maybe you need a new RX for your glasses plaidr. I didn't say I 'agreed' with socialism-I said 'what is the issue you see with socialism'...trying to help get you 'informed'.
And, didn't you get the memo? Yes, everyone who disagrees with me is stupid. Just ask me...I'll tell you.
I think everyone should be allowed to own a firearms. (except for stupid people, they should be shot with firearms) Think about the high school or college shootings. How many lives would have been saved if a few teachers had a pistol in the desk and knew how to use it.
So...everyone who doesn't agree with me (because they are stupid), should get shot?
While I like your enthusiasm, I'd have to admit it's a little extremist, don't you think? ;)
But...yeah, I've thought about the whole 'teachers carrying concealed weapons' bit too. Seems like a generally sound idea with some stipulations maybe (such as age of children, license/permits & safety requirements including extensive background checks, storage, etc.).
shooting stupid people?! I like it, helps with the population control, and gives hunters something to shoot at. It could work like this; at some point people have to take a test, if they fail, they get tagged and sent out for the hunters.
Ok, ok...but who would design the 'test'?
If we let our government officials do it, chances are we are still going to have a whole lot of morons running around. We need a specific person to set our standards by...??
Also, you forgot to mention how many jobs this will free up!
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